Sunday, September 21, 2014

Little Letters QAL: D,E

Keeping up with my little letters QAL today:

I'm also following the input of some fellow bloggers and adding a 5" border and
some rik-rak to this baby quilt WIP: 
Happily sewing and puttering around the house today, with a 3 mile walk on the horizon. Nope! drove into the city to pick up a table for our studio remodel instead of walking!! 
With Smiles,


  1. Loving your letters and the teal/pink/gold!

  2. The peach D is precious. Your Little Letters going to be adorable!

  3. Your little letters are looking so cute! Love the baby quilt also.

  4. Hee...hee, these are so cute! Glad that you had a good Sunday.

  5. your letters are coming along well and the baby quilt looks lovely, my niece is about to have a baby and she has requested a baby quilt, I usually do hatdanger samplers so going to have to give this some thought but do not know whether a boy or girl yet

  6. The baby quilt is perfect. I am a square kinda girl. I love quilts made with squares. Walks are lovely but sewing ,uhm..tons of fun!

  7. So fun. Thank you for your inspiration. I do the letters too now. You'll find my first letters on my blog.

  8. I like the approach of using solids for the letters and prints for the background. It's going to be a very cute quilt.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
