Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas Wishes

Aside form Christmas cookies, I think the lights are my very favorite thing about the holidays!
This year we took the grands to our two favorite light shows.
The first was the Scentsy headquarters just a 30 minute drive away:

They have the longest lighted tunnel any of us have ever seen.

Poppi actually got the boys to slow down long enough to take a picture with Meme as they enjoyed running, and running, and running through the lite tunnel over and over.

Our second favorite place was in another nearby town where the whole center of town is lite up!
It's magical. There's a skating rink, Santa in a boat (which our youngest thought was hilarious!)..

...gingerbread houses for the kids to play in,

and even a fire breathing dragon!

As you can tell by their smiles, it was truly a night filled with the spirit of Christmas.
It's wintery cold in our part of the world and I find myself pulling out some ol' WIP as I spend much of my time in the sewing room. I actually have two queen size quilts I'm wanting to finish this winter break and am grateful for the time to get them done. It feels good to be sewing again and I find myself thinking of ways to incorporate more of it in my new life. It makes me think of all of you and the fun we had blogging and supporting each other. So, I'll be sure to post my progress soon. Until then, let me wish you, my quilty blogging friends, a Christmas that warms your hearts as much as these two do for mine. 
With smiles, Val