Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Label your quilts as they will be treasured!

This cozy little quilt is the very first quilt I ever received. 
It measures 31" by 31" and was given to me as a young mother 21 years ago. 
It was made by my dear Aunt Cela for our second born daughter. 

I treasure it.

I treasure the memories of my babies playing on it.
 I treasure the hand quilting.
 I treasure the hand printed quilt tag.
I treasure the memories of my Aunt.
 Today, my Aunt is in her 80's and battles mental illness. 
I'm so grateful to have this piece of her.

With that said, I have not labeled all my quilts.
Today I  PROMISE to to label each and every quilt from this day forward!
We will never really  know it's influence, how far it will travel nor how much it will truly be treasured.
I do know the recipients of our quilts will treasure those labels.

I'm linking up with: Willit at heysislookwhatimade because though I don't have
a label to share, I'm hoping to be inspired by everyone else to
 find a simple, cute way to label my quilts.

Here's a tutorial I found by Kelly Young:
Quick Labels-The cute and easy way!
(Linked with permission...thanks Kelly)
My Quilt Infatuation

As Nike says: Just DO It! We need to don't ya think...
With smiles,


  1. My grandmother died this year, after suffering with dementia for many years. She wasn't a quilter, so I have no quilt from her, but I can imagine what a treasure it must be for you.

    I am lucky enough to still be on my first quilt, so I will make sure I label every one that I make.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I've only just completed my second quilt, and I labeled it (though I'm not in love with the label, but I guess like my quilts, they will get better with time and practice).

    Hopefully one day Sadie will treasure her quilt the way you treasure yours. Yours is beautiful, and all that hand quilting!

  3. I need to start labeling quilts as well. So far I have only done one.

  4. What a great post I will follow your idea and post about my first quilt later this week hopefully!

  5. What a treasure, Val. My family quilts are some of my most cherished possessions. And I'm so glad you've found my label tutorial helpful!

    I'm so glad you shared this at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  6. Definitely to be treasured and even more so because it's signed and not "made by anonymous".

  7. I have a family quilt with no label. It is a Dresden plate quilt that has names hand embroidered in the centers of every block, and the names belong to my mother and her cousins. The quilt was on my grandmother's bed when she passed away and I'm sure SHE knew who made it, but now no one in the family knows. Labels are not just for "quilt historians!" We never really know which quilts will be worn out and discarded and which quilts our descendants will be cherishing as their own personal family history.

  8. Handwritten labels are so cozy and personal. Thanks for sharing!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
