Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday Scrap Sewing

My recipe for a perfect Saturday morning of sewing:
  • Slept in till 7:00am 
  • Rainy and cold outside (LOVE IT!!)
  • House chores all caught up (We mowed the lawn yesterday and the house is clean.)
  • Laundry in the works (That's okay)
  • Home alone (Bill is at work)
I dumped my brown, red and blue scrap buckets and I'm going to make a huge scrappy log cabin quilt top. I have a flannel sock monkey backing. It's only going to be about 55"x 55" but it will make the perfect baby quilt. I'll keep ya posted. Happy to have these two keeping me company today. 

Tomorrow is:Sunday Organizing and I'll be highlighting Thread Storage!
Stop by and link up to share how you store your thread. (long-arming spools, piecing, perle cotton, embroidery....any and all thread storage ideas are welcome!)
Happily sewing,


  1. Ooooooh, I'm envious of all that cutting / sewing space!

  2. Sounds (and looks) like a great day to me! It's sewing weather here too with storms blowing through... we need the rain so hoping for more.

  3. Yah...we've had spitting rain all day and it's cold. I finished the quilt top I wanted. Tomorrow will find me quilting and binding:)

  4. Nice sewing space! We're at the height of beautiful boat weather - sunny and about 80 degrees - so our Saturdays are spent on the boat. But we've got those rainy days coming up in the near future.....

  5. Hi Val, I love your large studio space. I noticed you have an interest in stained glass. I have just started making fused glass pendants and buttons. It goes so well with sewing.

  6. I share the space with my husband and he is actually the one who does the stained glass. Although I have made a fused dish in a class with him...and that was fun!

  7. I, too, love your sewing space! The scrappy log cabin in blue and red sounds wonderful.

  8. Your sewing space is just fantastic.Love it!

  9. I love that I can just shut the door and leave my WIP with no worries. I've been "scrap" sewing all weekend and can't wait to share the results!

  10. Looks like such a productive space!!

  11. I can't imagine having such a nice place to sew. Two little dogs are awfully cute. How do you even get anything done with them around?

  12. that is a really lovely space.....lots of table top areas! but still seems spacious!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
