Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sunday Organizing: Bobbins

Am I the only one who hates this? 
You're in the middle of a sewing project and your bobbin runs out! 
I don't mind changing the bobbin, but having to wind a new one mid project, for some reason, annoys me! (chuckles!) So here's my solution: 
Upon the beginning of a project, I wind a whole set of bobbins using my  Simplicity SideWinder Bobbin Winder.  I  really do just  love flipping open my case and popping in a ready bobbin.  (Simple pleasures I guess)  

I also use it to wind all my applique threads for easy access and travel.

Just another little way I keep organized.  
With smiles!


  1. I wind on at least six to ten bobbins everytime I do it to minimize the fuss mid project. I love the side winder idea I might have to get one!!!!

  2. Love my sidewinder! I also wind up a bunch before each project. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I too hate running out of bobbin thread at anytime!! Told hubby many times to invent something that would cure this problem, but alas he doesn't listen very well!!!

  4. Val thanks for the great idea on the applique threads... I'm traveling later this week and wondered how to best take along as many as I could. Love my sidewinder too! Take good care, Karen

  5. This seems like a great way to get organised and be ready in a flash, but I quite enjoy winding the bobbin mid-project. It gives me a break from sewing, and watching it spin gives me a little bit of joy for some reason. If the kids are around, then it's even more fun because they seem to think it is a special event :)

  6. It's good to know that you and a few others love the sidewinder. I've seen it in stores but wondered if it was worth having another gadget. If it really saves you that much time... well, time is money!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
