Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday Archives #6: Bindings & Birds

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Click here to read more about this linky party and I'd love for ya to help spread the word by adding my button to your blog.
Val's Quilting Studio

This week is all about  BINDINGS and everything and anything BIRDS


I love quilt bindings. I have fun picking out fun unique bindings that really "pop" or "accent" the finished quilt and I've noticed a lot of you do too!
 I also enjoy sewing my binding down by hand. It really is one of my very favorite parts of quilting. But I've noticed many of you prefer (and do a beautiful job of) sewing your bindings down by machine. 

Just know, whatever your fancy, I'm looking forward to seeing your favorite bindings,     quilt rolls and tutorials this week...


We quilters sure love birds don't we! LOL! I smile as I start to hear them chirp in the morning and enjoy watching them begin to nest in the birdhouses around the yard. So whether your birds are appliqued, black birds, chickens, crows,  fussy cut, owls,  parrots, paper pieced, quilted, wacky, wrens or even made of wool,  do share!


  1. Good morning Val-Love your birds! I hand stitch my bindings down too

  2. I love your black and white binding, perfect for the wall hanging

  3. thanks for the linkup Val. I was startled when I decided to put striped binding on a dotted quilt ... (I'm a matchy-matchy kind of person) but I loved the results.

  4. I am partial to hand sewing bindings too!

  5. Thanks Val for linking this on my new link party too. Lol!!!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
