Saturday, July 26, 2014

Summer Vacation!

Hey fellow blogging friends...there's a quiet week coming up here at Val's Studio, as we are headed to the mountains for a family vacation. I'm officially unplugging as our internet and phone connections will be very limited.   Tuesday Archives will resume August 5th with Exhibits being our theme. And what better timing with all the County Fairs going on! (I actually just entered my Classroom Animal Quilt in our local county fair.) So be sure to snap pictures and/or dig through your archives for old quilt shows attended. I'm packing and almost ready to go. I have quilts that need binding sewn down, some wool stitching waiting to be be played with and I'm sure there's a hexi or two thrown in. 
(You didn't think I'd take off  without some sewing in hand did you! LOL!)
Wishing everyone a great week!
With smiles,


  1. Hi Val, a mountain holiday sounds lovely. I checked out the animal quilt. It is just fabulous. What a treasure.

  2. Hope you have a nice vacation!!

  3. Have a relaxing time and come eager for sewing

  4. I hope you and your family have a wonderful vacation! Absolutely loved you Classroom Animal Quilt!!

  5. Enjoy your vacation! Hope you get some stitching fun worked in between all the other relaxing you do.

  6. Happy Vacation to you all!

  7. Enjoy your holiday! See you soon Valerie!

  8. Enjoy the fresh mountain air and a well deserved vacation!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
