Saturday, October 18, 2014

Baby Quilt Show/Garage Sale Find!

Today the weather was beautiful as I walked over to a local Cultural Center to checkout the Baby Quilt Show/Fundraiser being held for our local children's relief nursery.   

Most the quilts were simple, many created from charm pack and panel patterns.
 I found myself inspired by the simplicity of them all.
I couldn't resist picking this one as my very favorite:

Annnddd it's always nice to see your own donation among the bunch:

I also found this thrifty find at a garage sale right across the street: A larger dresser to replace a smaller one to aid in my studio remodel. (My neighbor and I  simply ended up swapping dressers as she wanted a smaller one! SCORE!)
I can't wait to start filling the drawers!
With smiles,


  1. What cute little quilts - what a great idea for a show.

  2. I too like the quilt with the lady bugs on it! It was great that you and your neighbor traded dressers! Good luck with redoing your studio!

  3. What a great dresser! Love the card catalogue type drawers on top!

  4. The baby quilt show is a cool idea! That dresser is terrific such a great thrifty swap!

  5. Those lady bugs certainly are cute. Congrats on finding what you needed for your studio.

  6. OOooo.....lucky find! That is a wonderful dresser. I love my 6 drawer chest. Lots of great room for goodies.

  7. some lovely quilts and for a good cause. Good deal you got with your swap and love the qui;t hanging above the dresser

  8. That looks like a great show for getting Project Linus ideas! And ooh more drawers are always a good thing. I keep thinking about redoing my quilting room closet with built ins and plenty of drawers.

  9. What a fun fund raiser! Love the new dresser. Looks real sturdy - enough for fabric. Will filling the drawers entail some retail therapy? I hope so.

  10. Nice display. I quite like the square one next to yours (and yours, too, of course). What a good trade. You didn't pay a cent and you didn't have to find a way of getting rid of the one you no longer wanted :)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
