Thursday, March 19, 2015

Beach Houses Quilt Finds a Home!

Last summer I made my Beach Houses Quilt.
I had a Lucy's Crab Shack Layer Cake and really enjoyed making this quilt.
Most of all, I loved it as a finish! But, it has just sat on my quilt ladder since.
Well, the other day my mom called and asked me what I do with all my scrappy quilts as she want to buy one! First of all, my mom is NOT buying a quilt from me. I proceeded to ask her what she's wanting. She explains that she just needs an extra cover at night that's her own, as my dad doesn't get as cold as she does and she'd love to have one of my quilts! Insert another "ulimate moment" here!!(So cute! I just love my mom!) I exclaim: "Mom you need to take the Beach Houses Quilt!" (FYI: She has loved that quilt ever since she saw it last summer. She also loves the beach,) She was so happy! So I packed it up  and shipped her "quilty hug" on Monday.

I got this text picture after work today:
It arrived safe and sound and is already on "her" side of the bed!! Like so many of you, quilting is my therapy. Those scrappy quilts are just me scrap busting and being frugile. (So I can then buy new fabric of course!) But admittably, it makes my day when someone loves a quilt finish as much as I do! I call these my ulitimate moments. Mom, thank you for making my day! I know you'll enjoy your quilty hug, but know I enjoyed gifting it to you just as much. I hope each of you, my readers, have had moments like this. Is so, please do comment and share. I'm a sentimental girl and would love to hear your if you couldn't tell. LOL!!! 


  1. I remember seeing this quilt last year... It's still gorgeous. lol I'm glad for you that your mother is now using it. Knowing that someone actually uses something I have made certainly qualify for one of those moments.
    I enjoyed reading your words. Have a great day!

  2. What a sweet story. And I agree with Fran - knowing what you gifted is actually being used makes it all special. I make a lot of charity quilts and usually don't know who recieves them, but the other day I ran into one of our 'displaced' families from the valley flood. They had one of my quilts and everyone of them hugged me. I asked how they knew it was made by me as so many gifted to those who lost so much (and all the quilts had just a generic label). Who ever had handed out the quilts during one of the school events, had placed a little note in the bag.

  3. Love it! My mum "borrowed" my latest finish from me - at least yours asks first!

  4. how cute are those houses?
    what a lucky mom indeed :)

  5. Oh I love how your Mom asked about a quilt, "as if..."! She is very sweet! And that is a wonderful quilt Val!
    My mom only onced ask for something of mine: a teapot. You can bet that teapot went home with her! She had a habit of boiling dry all her teapots, LOL and yes eventually that one bit the dust too.

  6. How lovely to have one of your lovely quilts keeping your mom warm and cosy. You know you will have to stitch another scrappy lovely to hang on the rung of your ladder. This is a gorgeous quilt, Val.

  7. That's the best ultimate moment ever!!!

  8. Yay for mum! So nice to have someone ask for a quilt!

  9. My sisters and I made a quilt one of our sister who was in the hospital for an extended stay and a serious illness. My mom helped and she loved the quilt so much that we made one for her too. I now have the quilt now and it makes me smile to see it. I love the quilt you sent your mom, so sweet! Hugs,

  10. Love this quilt and love even more the fact that it will be loved even more by your mom!

  11. What a wonderful story! You see - it was always meant for your Mum. That's why you had it just hanging on your quilt hanger for so long.

  12. It's a beautiful quilt. I know you mom loves it.

  13. Such a sweet story. Quilty hugs and quilty appreciation are the best!

  14. Oh such a perfect ending. Thanks for sharing the story.

  15. How fun! Great story. It does feel so good when someone loves a quilt you made as much as loved making it.

  16. I love your beach houses quilt and how special that your mom ended up with it. My sister admired a wall hanging I made years ago from Thimbleberries fabric. I took it down and gave it to her when she was visiting last Thanksgiving.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
