Monday, June 15, 2015

Bad Tension =Tension!

YES! I'm showing you the underside of my quilt, which quite honestly feels like I just showed everyone my underwear drawer! LOL!  But I'd thought I'd be brave and put it out THIS is how I just spent the last three hours! (Three hours!) Yes, loops on the back of my quilt. Ugh!
 This always seems to happen when I haven't quilted for awhile. Geuss you can say ol'Lizzie and I are out of sinc? I don't know....but it takes every bit of patience I can muster to get back on track. I sometimes just want to sell everything and quit! LOL!! (not really) But then I tell myself this is all part of the learning process too. So I stopped. I walked away. I watched some instructional videos. 
I breathed. I prayed for more patience. I ate some ice-cream.

I have so much respect for those of you that quilt for a living! You are amazing in my book!! 
Thank you for inspiring with your long-arming skills. Everybody hug their long-arm quilter the next 
time you see'a whole different craft in itself. And those of you that quilt on your home hats off to all!
Image result for hugs

I will close and get back on "the horse" as they say....
as I'm certainly not afraid of this tension knob anymore! YAH!
 And I really want to have some fun quilting today...
Yes...I'm still smiling.
PS: Thanks for listening to my rant...I have a feeling I'm not alone...but Jackson just doesn't understand me when I say to him: "Seriously, I just don't get this blank, blank, machine!"


  1. I feel your pain, I hate it when the tensions get off and I get loops, or railroad tracks! An adult beverage or chocolate seem to be in order. Or both. You are certainly not alone!! Kiss Jackson for being such a good listener!

    1. THANK YOU Carole!! that I got things up and going...a glass of vino sound wonderful!

  2. I think ice-cream always helps with quilting!

  3. It's just not with a long arm either - I had to walk away from the home machine, but my solice was pizza.

    1. Oh man...I totally agree! I was so frustrated quilting on my home guys amaze me even I got way frustrated with that process. LOL!

  4. I seem to have more unsuccessful experiences on the longarm than successful ones. It is so frustrating! I think wine and ice cream are definitely the answer! Hang in there.

  5. I feel for you. I find it so much easier to check my tension on my sit down machine, and am so impressed by long arm quilters. I have definitely found using my mom's long arm is harder than it looks. Hugs!

  6. I feel your frustration. I too am in awe of those fmq machine quilters! Val, ice cream always does the trick for me!

  7. are you going to have unpick all you have done? I had my first attempt at FMQ on my bernina 1230 the other day the stitch lengths vary greatly but as it was the first attempt I am not too unhappy about it.

  8. I feel for you! I know the ghastly feeling when you realise you're going to be unpicking yards and yards! Only it's not really so bad - all those LOVELY loops are easy to cut through (their only redeeming feature, I know) and then pull on the other thread and ... it's done! I hope you've managed to fix it all by now.

  9. It is so easy to quilt an entire bobbin in bad stitching on a longarm. And so disheartening when you discover it. Just turn up the music and start picking out those stitches. Soon all will be forgotten and you will be back up and running!

  10. When this happens it is so disheartening. I have a mid-arm machine and have had tension issues. Especially when I used the pre-wound bobbins that came with it. It always takes some time to get back into the rhythm of quilting if you have not done it for a while. I hope things are back on track now! Chocolate or ice cream always seem to help too!

  11. It's certainly frustrating when out machines aren't running smoothly! I'm glad you got it sorted out eventually :-)

  12. Ice-cream is a wonderful comfort food!

  13. If you also stomped your feet and said a few *ahem* choice words, then we have more in common than ever! It is soooo ffffffrrustrating when things like this happen. At least loopy stitches are relatively easy to pull out again - one must always look for a bright side. Sigh.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
