Thursday, June 11, 2015

Do You Hear That Hum?

After what seems like forever, but in reality has only been a month, it's the sound of my long-arm!!
And see that little pretty on the frame? I dusted off my Mary Engelbright inspired quilt I pieced way back in 2012 and plan on quilting her today. Please tell me I'm not the only one who misses that ME fabric line from days back?  Sooo glad I made this quilt!

I've also had this fat quarter pack of Rober Kaufman Gnome Living laying around thinking it would make a fun summer quilt. I had to dig through my stash and add a few more fat quarters and was pleasantly sursprised how well the text print created "balance" in the whole layout.
I also just found the red bike print on Ebay for $7.00 a yard this morning, so ordered enough for the back.  Hey, nothing says summer better than a fun bike ride on a cute cruiser! 
Image result for cruiser bikes with basket
I close thinking about the many different lifestyles we all live and am left wondering  how each of you manage to balance your work/home life with our quilty craft? Sometimes, like throughout the past month, I've missed my sewing, yet by days end, I'm without motivation and just anxious for the school year to wrap up. What works for you? Please do share as I'm always looking for little ways to better balance everything I enjoying doing!


  1. I don't feel like I get a good balance... always feeling behind! lol I'm loving the text print! :)

  2. I was wondering what that hum was! LOL! Love your hexie quilt! Balance - what's that?

  3. It is tough. I set aside at least 15 minutes to sew even if it is just hand work.

  4. I've been having the same problem you are with balance. Now that we're just barely into summer (I work at a University), I'm hoping to find some more time! I've also been getting up earlier to get to the gym and do meditation, so I need to be more purposeful with the "new" free time at night.

    I also wondered if you might be interested in joining in another link up. My mom and I post one each Friday called Crafty Comment Karma, for people to link up any of their crafting, quilting or sewing posts. It's open for the whole week until the next one goes up, so I hope you think about joining us! Link-up located here:

  5. I love that ME fabric line. Still have some scraps laying around. I have a hard time finding balance. Wish. I could just see my days away. Congrats on your new machine.

  6. Hooray for you Val! And I love the ME quilt too.
    It is really amazing how well text print balances out different fabrics. I wish there were a text print for balancing out our lives, but don't have any secrets to share. I do think you get an amazing amount accomplished though!

  7. Congratulations on your longarm getting a workout and on such a happy quilt! Looks like you are going to be piecing some hexies, too. Those are all cute prints and will make a fun summer quilt. I agree with Myra... What is balance???? My kids have one more week of high school..... Summer's almost here! Hooray!

  8. Like taking time to pray morning and night, quilting if only for 10 minutes centers me. I don't think I could endure the pace of life without those 10 minutes. Thanks for linking to WIPs Be Gone, Valerie - always love to hear from you.

  9. Your Gnome quilt is stealing my heart. So many bikes! Did you read about the lady in the UK who had 100+ gnomes show up in her yard a couple of days ago? It's a mystery and a pretty cute read. I'm heading over to eBay to see if I can find some of that red bike print.

  10. I have a lot of ME fabric tucked away - not enough for a quilt yet nor do I have a pattern in mind yet. I just like to stroke it from time to time. I'm retired, so that schedule time - well, I have no schedule. As long as I remember to feed and pet the furkids a couple of times a day, all is good. I need to schedule more 'out of the house' time though.

  11. I try to set aside one day a week to do what I want. It helps that I don't have kids, LOL!! I use the laundry time to stay in the basement and sew. Sometimes I just pet the fabrics and move them around, sometimes I sew, sometimes I do crafts or stamp, but whatever it is creative time for me to play, even if it is only an hour or two.

  12. I have not worked out side the home for a number of years. I used to take hand work to do at my lunch break. It always me feel better that I had a few minutes to stitch.

  13. Enjoy your return to stitching world, no doubt you will soon have the quilt quilted. I am so lucky being of old years I no longer work, have been retire for 8 years so have plenty of time to stitch etc and no one lives with me so have all the time in the world, I do have housework, a large garden but they do get neglected at times!

  14. Mm don't know about balance but I am sitting here after a good week of sewing relaxing. Nothing will be done tonight and I think we might go away to somewhere warmer for the weekend

  15. It's always a nice feeling to be able to get back in the sewing room after being away for a bit. I don't do the balance thing real well either. Sometimes, no matter how hard you work, things will not be in balance. You just have to accept that and know that it won't last forever. I try to find at least 15 minutes a night to spend in the sewing room. It's not much, but if I do that every night, it ends up being an hour more of sewing each week which means projects keep moving.

  16. I do most of my sewing on Sat and Sunday mornings when the house is quiet and spend Tuesday and Friday evenings after work catching up on blogs. I struggle to remember to make time for IG! Thursday is group sewing and Wednesday is usually cleaning! Thank God G does all the cooking!

  17. So happy to see you quilting! :) I figure it is about priorities, and I tell myself there is a time and place for everything. But I do try to make time for creating everyday. I'm much more productive all around if I have made something.

  18. I haven't figured out the work - life balance thing. I fit in what I can, when I can. I'm not happy about my limited availability for crafting but I do have something to look forward to...which I'll share with you soon.

    I love ME fabric. I only have one jelly roll left which I am saving for something special...something for ME :)

  19. When life gets busy i stock to small or quick projects so i can still very that happy feeling of achievement that comes with a finish :-) i also find going to quilt club monthly keeps me inspired and i always do more in the days after a meeting, quilty friends are so inspiring.

  20. Balance? What's that??? Ha!
    I guess, for me, it is a matter of thinking there is a "time for every season". Sometimes I sew. Sometimes I don't. But, eventually I know I will again. Yup, I'm a seventies child - now that song is stuck in my head. A time to sow, a time to reap. In our case, a time to sew, a time to rip?
    Glad you are back in the studio, Val. Enjoy!!!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
