Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday Archives #65: Retreats!

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: Retreats!

Oh the joy of a bunch of quiltier's gathered together, sewing for hours, heck for days, at a time! I've only gone to a few retreats but my very favorite was back in May of 2011. A quilty friend and I took off on a road trip to Coeur d'alene, Idaho. (About an eight hour drive)...but we were talking about a five day retreat with Mary Lou Weidman here...so well worth the drive don't ya think! Plus, I never laughed so much on a road trip! Good memories for sure. I had previously purchased the book: Out of the Box: Unleash Your Creativity thru Quilts.  and fell in love with Mary Lou's storytelling idea and was so excited for this opportunity: 

It's actually where my  Oh Happy Day Quilt was "born".

We'd stay up till midnight sketching and coloring!

It was fun to meet Mary Lou. She also introduced me to the color Cheddar...and to think this whole time I thought it was just a wonderful compliment to wine!

Oh and the food we get to eat at retreat!! Oh man, really good food!

We enjoyed a "field trip" day to the Buggy Barn ladies out in Spokane, Wa. 

Seriously, they even had quilts of the ceiling! So much inspiration... 

And we toured downtown Spokane:
Gees, I've had so much fun reminscing this morning, I almost forgot today was our linky! LOL! With that said, I can't wait to see where all of you have been for retreats ("at home" retreats count too). Be sure to include your retreat destination in your linky name title as it will be fun to see all the places we have been! As always, thanks for stopping by and rejuvinating your archives with us.  


  1. Looks like that was an awesome time!!! I went on my first retreat this year - they are so awesome I want to go again!!! Thanks for sharing all the fun you had!!

  2. I love Buggy Barn patterns, but never made one. And I have never been on a retreat - looks like lots of fun.

  3. Val, I really love your Happy Day quilt! It reminds me of some of the freshest, most inspired children's book illustrations. I have never been on a quilting retreat of any kind. I feel guilty, like I broke out of the insane asylum, just if I go away for a half day class and leave my husband on his own to subdue the wild animals who masquerade as children in our home... ;-) I am registered for an all-day quilting workshop with Alex Anderson on August 1st, though, and really looking forward to it even though I'm not sure what we'll be making.

  4. Wow! It looks like you had a fantastic time at that retreat! Fun quilt! I have never been to a quilt retreat, the closest were my classes with Bonnie Hunter.

  5. Looks like a wonderfully fun retreat. I've never been able to go on a retreat. With a student athlete and a spouse who travels a lot, I've never been able to commit far enough in advance to sign up for one. Maybe once the empty nest syndrome sets in I'll have a chance to try one.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
