Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday Archives #69: Ric Rac

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: Ric Rac!

(July themes are posted on the sidebar)
One of my favorite ways to add fun and dimension to a quilt is yes, with Ric Rac! I found this site called Burlap and Blue that shares 25 ways to use ric rac to accessorize, embellish and decorate along with uses for it on clothing and gifts. So many fun ideas there! 

Short and sweet today...but that's okay.,,it's summer!
I'm working on developing a "directory" of all our Tuesday Archives themes for quick reference...I'd say it's about 50 % done. I'm also working on getting a sponsor for our weekly linky...wouldn't that be fun! Keep your fingers crossed...in the meantime, I'm off to search my archives for some ric rac inspiration and look forward to visiting your links as well.


  1. Val, RikRak is the best! I added a link for our 4th of July Table Runner which definitely uses RikRak. Thanks for the linkup!

  2. A sponsor would be very exciting! I don't have anything to share about rich rac--Sorry!

  3. Rick Rack is sew much fun to use--thanks for the link to the 24 sites. I will be there in a click.

  4. Alas, no ricr-rac. In penance, Jackson gets a tummy rub.

  5. Nope, never have used it on a quilt...my daughters' clothes from time to time back in the day, yes...


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
