Thursday, January 14, 2016

Inspired to make a Snowman Quilt

Every day I walk by this bulletin board here at school and think:
"Those snowmen would make the cutest winter quilt".
I remember our Fourth Graders being a creative bunch ,so I'm not surprised by their unique collection of  happy snowmen. I know they make me smile every day.
I'm inspired to do something similar with my second graders in February but with a Valentines theme. Curious, where do you find your quilty inspiration??

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Everywhere! I had just told my husband, that everywhere I look I see quilt squares!

  2. That would be a great quilt. I like your question. I get my inspiration from things around me and art works. I meant to write a post last Sept. after visiting a mall where the local 1-6th grade school displayed their art work. I took photos because some of them would make spectacular quilted items. I will have to get those out and write that post. Inspiration is Everywhere!

    1. Right! There's something so genuine about children's art that is truly inspiring!

  3. I actually thought that was a snowman quilt! Well our ride into the Catskill mountains was a huge inspiration = I find it in odd places at times, but mostly it is within natures bounty.

  4. Hi Val! This would be so perfect hand sewing idea! I don't remember if you have joined the quilty 365, but you could with snowmem. Make them like I make my trees: two circles and then some details, that would be really fun! x Teje

  5. Oh, this would make a darling little quilt! Snowmen are the cutest! :)

    1. Thanks! I just may find myself doing what Teje suggested....but like Marianne said....oh how I wish I had more hours in my day.😃

  6. Inspiration surrounds me. Barely a day goes by when I don't dream up another quilt I'll never have time to make. Lol. Love the snow man quilt idea and look forward to seeing what you do for valentines.

  7. Hello Val!

    Happy New Year! I am wondering if I have missed posts on the quilt you were making for your guest room, the one you are going to hang on the wall. You had taken the booklet to have your pattern enlarged. What has become of that quilt? I have often thought about it since your first posting. How is it going?

    1. The cabin is appliqued and blocks two and three keep getting moved down my to do list. Your interest might just be the motivation for me to get going again. Thanks!!

    2. Oh I hope so. I am completely intrigued by it. I think I may want to try to make something by this designer too. I hope to see more about it as you work on it. Its utterly charming.

  8. Looks like the person in charge of that bulletin board just might be a quilter! The noses are hilarious and add such character. You could have fun with the snowman theme, for sure Val. :-)

  9. I find bloggers give me a lot of inspiration along with books, magazines etc and of course quilt shows,

  10. That would be such a fun quilt. My inspiration comes from lots of places. For the next set of "NewFOs", to borrow a term from Barbara at Cat Patches, is the personalities of the girls I'm making graduation quilts for. For one, the pattern came first, for a second the fabric came first, for the last two it was the theme. But as you note in your reply above, inspiration isn't the problem, it's finding enough hours in the day!

  11. OMG! Now I WANT to make a snowman quilt! I sometimes wish I could turn my mind off--I find the ideas never stop coming--which I think is a good thing... I'm off to a quilt weekend... Let's see what I finish.

    Pugs and kisses,

  12. I love that idea as a quilt - wouldn't it be fun to hang it right next to the bulletin board and see what the kids say! I get a lot of inspiration from playing with old quilt blocks, pulling them apart or adding bits to them, flipping through books and blog posts and collecting colour ideas. I have no shortage of projects on the go and don't seem to be stuck for an idea just a team of minions to help baste them all so I can get to quilting them finished!

  13. Those snowmen are adorable and would make a wonderful quilt. i get inspired by so many things that's the problem, deciding what to do next out of all the ideas that flood my brain!

  14. The snowmen would make a cute quilt.

    I can't think of a place I don't get inspiration from. Lots of times it's from the fabric itself, or a concept I wish to play with, or even the building and people I see when walking.

  15. That is just too cute! It would make me want a snowman quilt as well. One thing that really inspires me is FMQ designs. I sometimes see one and think, "what can I make so I can use that quilting design?"


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
