Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tuesday Archives #202: Twin Size Quilts

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Val's Quilting Studio
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This week's theme is: TWIN SIZE QUILTS

As I begin to write this post it occurs to me: "I've never made a twin size quilt!"
My daughter and I have starting discussing doing such as her boys get bigger and she moves them into bunk beds. So though I still have a while, it doesn't hurt to start looking for ideas now, right?Mattress Sizes. Good to know
This skateboard quilt found at KS Designgirls Blog does inspire me to start collecting some design ideas to share with my daughter and grand guys as they get older.

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Val's Quilting Studio
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  1. I've made quilts that would fit on a twin bed, but they aren't exactly a twin size. That skateboard quilt is so perfect for a boy or girl!

  2. I love that skateboard design! If I ever made another twin quilt, I'd seriously consider that one. The one I made and linked just about did me in!! I realize now it's because it had lots of little pieces, which made it extra heavy. Tip for large quilts: use large, simple blocks with BIG pieces of fabric :)

  3. That would be a great quilt for a skater dude (or dudette).

  4. I've made two twin quilts my Shirttails quilt from a Bonnie Hunter pattern and
    http://adventurousquilter.blogspot.com/2014/01/emmas-quilt.html?m=1 the A4A quilt along top several years ago.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
