Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Simple JOY: Holiday Mugs!

I awoke early this morning and found myself continuing to find JOY in my little holiday mug tradition. I mean now  I even look forward to receiving  my inevitable gifts mugs at school each year  knowing the'll be a special addition to this fun holiday collection.
My most soothing teas this season include peppermint. ginger with lemon along with my daily dose of green tea. Buttttt the absolute Best treat that brings me that JOY of feeling like a kid at Christmas again is when we mix up a little bit of this:
Stephen's Gourmet Hot Cocoa, Candycane Cocoa, 16-Ounce Can ( Pack- 1 )
I add one of those soft peppermint candy sticks to it and THAT is YUM! YUM !YUM!
 Curious if you too have a seasonal sippy drink that brings you JOY?


  1. I add a shot of peppermint schnapps to mine. Yum.

  2. What a fun way to embrace all those teacher gifts! As I read this, I’m sipping my new favorite—Mint Medley herbal tea by Bigelow. It’s refreshing, goes great with my go-to windmill cookies, and satisfies me as much as the hot cocoa I usually crave.

  3. Hot chocolate with Jack Fire or Bailey's Irish Cream is lovely too!

  4. I don't have a seasonal hot drink, except when I sip herbal tea when I get a cold!! Your mug collection is pretty cool :)

  5. I love your mug collection. We have so many mugs here, and my daughter has a habit of picking up Starbucks mugs whenever she travels. It's amazing how quickly a collection can start.

  6. Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane Decaf green tea!

  7. That's quite the collection of mugs you have there. My favorite drink in the winter is anything hot. I usually smell and hold it more than drink it just to stay warm so the flavor is not as important as the heat!

  8. Love your collection-I love hot apple cider or homemade hot cocoa-with marshmallows lol for my winter treat

  9. That is quite a collection! I still go for coffee in the mornings, and love using special holiday mugs!

  10. LOL that's quite a collection! I'm glad you get some joy from it 👌💖🤩

  11. Wow, no two mugs are the same. Sweet! I'm not a teacher, but I have started collecting some festive wildlife wintery/Christmas mugs. And I have decided to use them all year round, if desired. I'm of the mindset that I'm not keeping 'the good stuff' for special occasions. I'm using it whenever my heart dictates. Makes the routine days more fun!

  12. OOOOHHHH, I love your collection! I use Christmas mugs all year. Whenever anyone questions me, I just say I like to have Christmas in my heart all year long and this mug helps me. ;)
    Sometimes a little Bailey's Salted Caramel in my cocoa is a nice treat.

  13. I pulled out my holiday mugs just this morning!! I usually start with a cup of coffee and then switch to tea. Currently enjoying Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane. It is usually found around the holidays so I buy a couple of boxes to take me through Winter. It is so good -a mix of decaf green tea and mint. Yum.

  14. Hi Val... sounds like there are some changes coming, and growth happening. Lots of gratitude from you this season. I love your joyful items

  15. I love holiday themed mugs. I'm not a coffee drinker, but love hot cocoa. Peppermint is traditional also. Happy holidays to you and your family.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
