Friday, February 1, 2019

So looking forward to Spring!

Today, I was delighted by the fact that the mornings are starting to get lighter earlier.
 I just hate going to work in the dark. It doesn't feel humanly right to me.
I'm simply grateful that the morning dawn is beginning to greet me on my daily walk to work.  
I'm also looking forward to what  Pennsylvania's famed groundhog, Phil, predicted is going to be an early Spring. Our Winter has been unseasonably mild without our usual dumping of snow but it has been cold and wet. I'm finding myself anxious to get back to golfing and hiking soon!
Image result for groundhog day
Guess you can say I have a small case of Spring Fever. Do you?


  1. Seeing the rising sun on the drive to work and the sun setting on the walk to the car after work this last week has been nice. It's always so depressing to leave and get home in the dark.

  2. My youngest asks all the time, when is the snow going to melt? He has camping plans.

  3. Beautiful dawn!! I think poor Phil is going to be wrong, Easter is as late as it can possibly be so I think winter will be here for a while longer.

  4. I have noticed the mornings getting darker.....OH NO!! =) What a beautiful sky to walk under on your way to school. The beautiful blue sky is smiling at you. Fabulous you can walk to work, Val.

  5. I have surprisingly enjoyed this winter. I think it is because there has been snow and it has stayed on the ground. Where I live on the high desert, it is prettier in the winter with snow.

    Don't get me wrong, I look so forward to summer and warmer days.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
