Monday, July 20, 2020

Rejuvenated and A Finish!

 Sometimes a change of scenery is rejuvenating for the soul. I can't believe we've been in this Coronavirus "shutdown" for four months now. Of which have found me transforming from an efficient, organized, productive human being to a total blob who can't remember when she last showered! Accept for my daily exercise routine, I've had motivation to accomplish nothing more. Finally, weekend before last, hubby and I took a long weekend and escaped to the mountains. We were isolated in the middle of the mountains and though we didn't do much, as the town we visited was in a reverse shutdown...we did find this view rejuvenating and was the "spot" for my daily stitching. Jackson also enjoyed watching all the squirrels with his "birds eye view" from the elevated deck. Never the less....

I don't know about you, but I’m about over it … over this new normal, new reality, new whatever we want to call it.  I want to go out to a restaurant.  I want to be able to go shopping and not just for groceries. I’d like to visit friends face to face. I'm so over Zoom! I think we’re all ready for this pandemic to be over especially our heroes on the frontline who are surely exhausted.

But with no end in sight, somehow, somewhere, over our four day get-away, I found myself remotivated when I returned home. After a year of no activity, I started Lizzi once again. 
I played it safe and started with quilting a donation quilt for Project Linus. 
As I began, I noticed stitches skipping. A text to my long-arm lady, a few phone calls, and a pick up by my husband, I replace the vertical encoder on my long-arm. (Not bad for eight years of wear and the pad on the encoder was torn....causing the skipped stitches.) 

Sooner than later, we were up and running with smooooth stitches once again.

I think Jackson was thrown off with my morning burst of energy as I set out to get this one done. I sewed and pinned the binding and got pictures taken...all before breakfast!

But I get to call it finished! This quilt was sewn by a Project Linus volunteer and measures 37"x72".
I quilted it with a Ruffled Rose Pantograph.
With STILL another month ahead before officials even think of starting school again and no adventures" on the calendar...I hope to get a few more quilt tops checked off the list.
Stay tuned!
With SMILES! Val


  1. Hi Val so glad to read that you kept your long arm-with your extreme downsizing awhile back didn't know it you were going to keep it-glad you did.
    Jackson is such a cutie-didn't realize he was so small in size.
    glad you were able to get away to the mountains for a bit. hugs Kathy

  2. My experience is so different from most in lockdown. We are on a farm with 200 acres of space to move and breath. Three of our grandchildren live here half time so it was anything but boring with 3 days a week of on line schooling to oversee. and my sister who kives in Pakistan was sort of ordered home by the Canadian gov't so she has been here for 4 months now. so, anything but lonely and boring, Having said all that, I have accomplished little quilting and writing.

    So glad to here you are up and doing again.

  3. YIKES! I don't know where you live but I've been eating out on a daily basis since the first day we opened up, a friend and I took a little road trip covering 3 states and staying in hotels. I've had 2 haircuts, 2 pedicures, I've shopped in several different stores. I'm a widow so just me here and I'd be absolutely BONKERS if I was still having to stay cooped up. Even when the lockdown began, I'd go to whatever store I could that was 'allowed'. Hopefully you can eat out VERY soon!!

  4. Love seeing precious Jackson! Glad you found some of your quilting mojo again.

  5. I'm with you on being over this. My dil is expecting, and they are coming to see us in three weeks, so that is motivation for me to stick to home, behave myself, so I don't get germs and don't spread germs. I want a healthy first grandchild! We, too, get much satisfaction and rejuvenation from spending time in the mountains. It seems, though, that thousands upon thousand of others are doing the same thing right now. It's crazy up in Stanley Basin!

  6. So nice to hear from you again, Val. Glad the long arm repair was very easily done and hope you continue to work on some quilts until you get summoned back to school.

  7. Nice to hear what you have been doing (or not doing). My hubby and I took a 7 day trip to our cabin, a secluded place on an island in the Upper Pennisula. We brought all of our food and such so we hung out, did a bit of fixing on the place and planned for a few other updates. It did me so much good. I came home and got 5 quilts trimmed and ready for binding. I got a few other UFOs ready for the quilter! And the house is pretty cleaned up, too. I was like you, just not stimulated to do anything. Take care. Hope you get to go out soon.

  8. The trip to the mountains was great medicine! Love the quilting on the donation quilt. Good that your machine was an easy fix and you are back into it.

  9. Oh Val, that looks like it was a wonderful weekend away --- truly good for the lungs, spirit, soul and mojo! I really like all the blocks in that Linus quilt, makes it so cute. Good to see you and Jackson together again in the studio!

  10. Thank you for taking us along on your visit to the woods, vicariously. The woods, trees etc. is always refreshing, as long as mosquitos don't pester you.

  11. I'm glad your little trip recharged you. I've been able to get a little t of sewing done lately and it feels so good to finally get some things crossed off my list and progress accomplished on others.

  12. Yay! You're quilting again!! That makes me smile :)

  13. Good for you to be able to get away and recharge. I think we're all going a little crazy and letting things slip.:)

  14. What a lovely pattern you are using.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
