Thursday, June 24, 2021

"Meme! You Haven't Made Me a Quilt!"

Oh man! Nothing like getting scolded by your own grandson! 
These two guys made their annual start of summer visit and our oldest grand guy took to reminding me I HAVEN'T made him a "6 or 7 and soon to be 8" birthday quilt! Uh oh!

We searched through my blog and I had to admit, he was right! 
Now of course, I'm completely flattered that he remembers and WANTS another birthday quilt. 
So, like any good Meme, I let him pick out and "design" his next quilt. Lucky me he came up with a really quick and easy strip Seahawks quilt that will include his name, favorite number and the Seahawks Mascot. EASY peasy. Oh and it has to have a "cuddly fabric" on the back. LOL!!

And as any little brother would sooner than later do, he chimed in quick with his 
"what about me?" inquiry. So I took him to the sewing room and Boy! Oh Boy! 
was he so excited when I pulled out this Brown Bear fabric.

Soooo with a crazy school year final finished and two months of summer freedom ahead of me, I guess you can say these two cuties gave their ol' Meme just the sprinkle of motivation she needed to get creative! Stay tuned! 
Oh and if ya have any ideas for that Brown Bear Fabric...please do comment!
This is the fabric I have:
With Smiles!


  1. Gosh, your grands are growing up quickly. Have fun over the summer holidays and enjoy stitching those quilts.

    1. I know!! They are truly my absolute favorite little people. They motivate me for sure.

  2. There is nothing more special than having someone ask for a quilt! Double bonus if it's cutie patootie grandsons :)

  3. So good to hear from you! I'll bet it was a crazy school year. How much of that bear fabric do you have? It would be fun to use some for a pillowcase. You could so an I Spy type of quilt with the various figures in the center of each block. Any way, it's so fun to get scolded by your grandkiddos, eh?

  4. Hello, Stranger. Well, at least you won't have a chance to be bored this summer, not that that was likely. The grands are getting big.

  5. I love it! So easy to make when they are in charge and we don't have to come up with a plan...just do it!

  6. Oh, wow, it is so great to see a post from you pop up today!! Fun photos of your grand guys! Have a wonderful time designing and sewing birthday quilts for those cuties.

  7. Yeah for sewing again! I do know what you mean as I have "lost" my sewing space as our Eldest son has arrived home and is now back in his room! So I am back to sewing on my desk which I use every day for paying work!!!!! I find my motivation lacking as I have to drag everything out and then put it all away again so it has to be a full day to sort it out. Can't wait to see the Boys' quilts when they are done. Have a lovely summer. Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
