Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday Morning...

I slept in this morning which means (8:15 am). My husband works Sundays right now, so I usually find myself greeting the day with a cup of coffee, hopping around the internet, visiting your blogs and seeing what everyone else has been up to. I stumbled across The Scattered Life Collective and thought it would be a fun way to start out my day.
This is me at this moment:

OUT THE WINDOW: Blue sky with dark, fluffy clouds, with a hint of morning sun. The world outside covered in morning frost.

LISTENING TO: Sunday Morning on the TV in the kitchen, the creaks of an old house awaking on a winter morning, a train suddenly interrupting this morning quiet with it's rumblings by. 

ON THE MENU TODAY: Breakfast: Cinnamon rolls with eggs along with good conversation with our youngest daughter who's home for the weekend. Super Bowl Eats: Crock pot of little weenies & meatballs, vegetable tray, chips, beer and Seattle Seahawk decorated cupcakes with the whole family, as our oldest and her family arrive this afternoon with our little grandson!!! (I can't wait!)

  • Long email exchange with my mom
  • The warmth of the sun on my face (finally)
  • A phone call from a dear friend wanting to make plans for a "girl weekend". 
  • Watching children play 
  • Big hugs from little people
  • Toothless smiles (10 teeth dropped from the mouths of my 2nd graders in Jan.)
  • Friday night in the studio with my husband as he works on a stain glass window and I sew:

  • Kids home for the weekend
  • Afternoon walks with Jackson
  • A counter full of  pink RSC scraps waiting...
  •  Good food and good wine:

I'm linking this post to  The Scattered Life Collective. This was fun. Give it a try if ya find yourself with a quiet Sunday morning at hand. 
With smiles,


  1. Hi Val! So glad we found each others blogs..yours makes me smile! Love the stained glass window...super cute!

  2. Ahhhh, second graders - a wiggly mass of half-pint humanity...
    My sister does the stained glass, too, but not lately. They moved to Duluth MN and it's always quite cloudy there... depressing.
    Glad you are having sunshine and your grandguy! That would MAKE my Super Bowl day for sure.

  3. That long email exchange you had with your mum makes me want to call mine, but it'll be a few hours before she is awake in Australia, so I'll have to sew whilst I wait ;)

  4. A good idea to focus on all the good things in life like this. I was happy just to read it. Thank you.

  5. Lots of lovely happy moments for the week and your husbands lead light is gorgeous.

  6. Thank you for this peek into your early morning world! What fun to hear your thoughts.


  8. I am SO glad you played along this week.

    Your happy things list is wonderful. Yay for the sun and I think that is why I love CBS Sunday morning so much ...always that image of a sun.

    Your super bowl menu sounds so yummy ... congratulations on the Seahawks winning. I don't follow football at all but I was pulling for the Seahawks because I think they have the coolest name in the NFL. LOL!!

  9. So great to have another person join the collective. I hope it catches on and stays alive - I just love these glimpses into other people's lives. It makes me feel like we're all connected somehow - even though we live in different places and lead very different lives. I like that feeling. I hope you post again!

  10. Hey Val, glad you are playing this as well. I spoke to Cynthia Lee the creator and she said she generally tries to have this started on Fridays... Just and FYI.
    Beth P

  11. Hi Val sounds like a wonderful sunday-and your team won too-

  12. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into a day in the life of Val Reynolds. It sounds like you are having a wonderful day/week. The stained glass cat is amazing. It's great that you and your husband can spend time being creative together.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
