Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April Happy Mail

My monthly fat quarters arrived like a ray of sunshine in the mail!

And...I also treated myself to these 1/2 yard cuts from Jane's Fabrics. This is her In The Beginnings Set. I'm thinking of ordering three more ABC panels, another yard of the blue and 2 1/2 more yards of the dots for a future ABC classroom quilt. 
I'm off on a  field trip with my second graders today. Stop by tomorrow for a look at their animal/nature blocks they have been creating for this year's classroom quilt. They are really enjoying this project. 
With Smiles,


  1. Hi Val! That was a happy mail! I miss so much yellow in my stash. Happy sewings! x Teje

  2. Just like Teje, I am lacking some yellows too! You made a great score on both of your bundles! Have a fun day on the field trip, Val.

  3. The array of golden shades is so cheery and happy.
    Makes you want to sew with it !

  4. I think of yellow as one of those colors you can find in any season - a happy color. I do love those ABC fabrics.

  5. Oh you are tempting me with your colors of the month. I almost joined last month when I saw your greens. Now yellows, I do not seem to have a lot of yellow. Thank you for the shout out for the fabrics.
    A field trip. I look forward to hearing about it!

  6. LOVE your yellow fabrics! And the letters fabric is a great addition!

  7. Happy mail, indeed!

    I can't wait to see what your students have put together.

  8. I am a little behind on this comment but I love, love, love the fabrics, so bright and happy.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
