Saturday, April 5, 2014

April RSC: Purples Chosen

 PURPLE! Brings back memories of when our girls where young. Any of you who have little girls in your life....know how much they love pink and purple! Our oldest daughter loved  pink and the youngest: PURPLE!!! Notice we even let her have purple carpet!!! (That was a humorous topic of conversation when we went to sell our home in Arizona.)

 I pulled these out of my stash this morning...don't know if I'll use the light lavenders...we'll see. I'm looking forward to playing with the ric-rak too.

And I couldn't resist sharing my Sue Spargo Block of the Month delivery...
 aren't these purples beautiful!!! I can't wait to get stitching!!

Happy Scrappy Saturday!
With Smiles,


  1. Oh my gosh, what a fun room! I bet she was thrilled. Purple is a color that I do not have a lot of in my stash. Yours look yummy. Looking forward to seeing what they become.

  2. Ditto Jane. What nice parents to allow purple carpet! Beige would have looked horrible with purple.

    1. Kinda crazy esp. as it was a brand new home. We figured, what the heck....ya only live once and if we needed to, it would have been inexpensive enough to replace when we went to sell. Luckily, the people who bought the house had a little girl that LOVED the purple carpet too!!! LOL!!!

  3. I love that purple room Val. When I was ten I requested my room be repainted lavender and pale green. Until then all our walls had been cream, and my father didn't want to break with tradition. Finally he relented and I loved that colour scheme. It was the best incentive to keeping my room tidy: pride in the sophisticated decoration.

  4. Great purple tunes for those fabrics! I love the association with mustard yellow. As regards the teenager bedroom, our daughter painted it herself with a sharp pink and turquoise + flowers on the furniture!

  5. Love that purple room, especially the carpet. Always good to give little ones some control, I think. Looking forward to what you do with the purple fabrics and getting my own thinking cap on.

  6. I love purple ! The trim you have in the one picture is fabulous...
    all those crazy circles !

  7. Purple is the IN color this year! Your fabric choices are yummy! And good for you for going with purple carpet...why not?!

  8. Had to laugh Val...I am currently doing a guest room in mainly purple and was considering I have done TO MUCH purple! But I dont' think so, now looking at your daughters room! But it looks so fun and whimsey! And I let my daughter choose her carpet in the 5th grade and the move was hard for her so we let her choose any color she wanted..she chose PINK!

  9. Wonderful purples! That carpet reminded me of our neighbors bright red kitchen countertops. They later sold the home with a generous allowance to replace it. LOL

  10. the bedroom is hilarious! What a great use of purple!! And you know how much I love rick rack...
    LeeAnna Paylor

  11. Too cute! I know my girls would love purple carpet, but we'll stick with ever changing wall colors instead. Looks like you are all set for some great purple blocks.

  12. Wonderful fabrics!! And Purple carpet - I LOVE it... ours is brown *sigh*

  13. Love that purple bedroom! And those great purple fabrics.

  14. I had purple carpet in my bedroom when I was a kid. I also had cream wallpaper with purple flowers on it.
    Very pretty

  15. How fabulous to let your daughter have her dream room. Makes such a change from neutral neutral neutral. Some houses advertised for sale here look so neutral that they could be "artists impressions" not real photos. And it makes me laugh that everyone has heard that you should have something read in every room and they have one pop of bright red in amongst their grey and black, looking so out of place. Thanks for sharing ;o)

  16. Hope your daughter knows just how lucky she is. What a great room. Love your purple fabrics. Should be a great month!

  17. I saved the room picture for future reference, for when we need to update to a bigger kid room. And my Sunshine lurves Purple. And Pink of course. I picked out the color for her room long before we ever brought her home. When we we built this new house and were having the kids' bedrooms painted before we moved in of course I picked a shade or Purple. When she saw it she went crazy, saying over and over "Murmle!, Murmle!" I had no idea that she would love it that much but she absolutely does.

  18. Can't wait to see this work in progress! I love Sue Spargo!

  19. I can't imagine a purple room. My daughter was not a girlie girl (green was her favorite color ???) and though our adopted girl loved purple she came to us when she was 10 and shared a room already designed. My granddaughter loves pink and purple so there is plenty in my life now.

  20. I am learning to love purple now too-I have never seen a purple carpet before-what a perfect room for her growing up

  21. Yikes! That bedroom should be in the Smithsonian! LOL Love your purple selections for this month.

  22. Wow your daughter did love purple, lol!! When my daughter was a teen purple and green together was her favorites and I made her a twin quilt with those colors. I have always liked purple, but don't use it a lot as the main color, but more of an accent color. I noticed several blogs today talking about purple.

  23. Kinda really liking the purple idea! Your daughter must have loved that purple carpet. I remember the pink and the purple days.

  24. We always let our daughter paint her walls - they went from blue to yellow and ended up red. However, the red came when she was a teen and the deal was she had to come back from college and repaint them (think coats and coats of base coat to cover the red!). She did it. Love your purple pulls.

  25. Love the purple room! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for purple. Plans for the 60 degree triangles?


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
