Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Embellishing my Triangle WIP...

Every now and then I like to link up with Let's Bee Social  and Live A Colorful LIfe especially when it seems like I'm having a quiet sewing week. This week just finds me embellishing my Triangle QAL Quilt. I'm busy sewing flowers on in the evenings while we watch TV. Here's a peek at the quilted Hexagon flowers with their ric rak stems and prairie point leaves:

 The flower centers are scappy with two layers of round scraps embellished with a perle cotton running stitch, a yoyo, then topped off with a big button! However, because this requires a lot of front to back work and flipping the quilt around...

..."someone" is not very happy with me right now!
Jackson will sit on the arm of the chair and stare at me!!

And when that doesn't work, he'll actually start to lick and bother me...

Finally finished with the flowers, I got up to get my binding thread only to return to him actually waiting for me, as if to ask: "Can I now????" (He even brought me his bone!)

Because he only wanted to do this:

And that's where he stayed for the rest of the evening as I worked on the binding.
My husband humorously calls us "pathetic" and I smile  "I know" in return.
I've had dogs all my life, but never one that I truly bonded with like my Jackson.
Hope your sewing is cozy too!
With smiles,


  1. Jackson is sooooo cute. We have a beagle that I think would eat my quilts if I let him near them. Haha.

  2. Those flowers are so beautiful! My pups love to snuggle under the blanket, too, and I'm happy to let them. :O)

  3. Jackson sounds a lot like a cat wanting to snuggle in your lap, lol!!! Of course with cats they want to sit right smack dab in the middle of what you are working on to get your full undivided attention, lol!!!!!!!

  4. How do you get anything done with "mister personality" around. I couldn't say no to him! Love the embellishments.

  5. I love the flowers. My cat does what your dog does!

  6. I love the way you are adding the flowers. My Bella is just the same way!

  7. I loved the sneak peek at the quilt. I am glad you are enjoying your play. Your dog cracks me up. What a sweety.

  8. awwww! too cute! My Samson is much the same. :)

  9. Jackson is such a good sewing buddy. I love your little flower embellishment.

  10. I think your Mr. is just jealous! There's nothing like cuddling with a four legged family member that loves and adores you! That Jackson - he's one adorable unit!

  11. You have really piqued my curiosity with those flowers. Can't wait to see the big reveal! Jackson is such a sweetie. He's just keeping warm!

  12. You are such a tease!! And I know Jackson agrees!! LOL Can't wait to see the big reveal! I still haven't started quilting mine. . . the fractured log cabin is taking WAY longer than it should. . .

  13. This quilt looks very joyful! Hope to see it soon. You are lucky to be able to sew in the evening.

  14. Hi Val! Jackson seems to be Real 'Quilter's dog'! What could be better than sit in an comfy armchair quilting and having your best friend on your feet! Hugs to Jackson! x Teje

  15. I love that dog! Thanks for linking up to Inspire Us Thursday!

  16. What a helper Jackson is! We've always been Dog People and I can't imagine living without a little critter around to brighten your days (and quilting)!

  17. Your quilt is going to be gorgeous! And that little dog isn't pathetic, he's sweet!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
