Sunday, May 18, 2014

An Embroidered Quilt Top

Can you believe the hand work put into this quilt top? Isn't it just stunning! I CAN NOT take any credit for this. It's a commission top I'll be quilting this week, but was grateful it's owner gave me permission to share her beautiful work with you here on my blog.

Here's a few close-ups of her stitching:

Hope you're getting in some kind of stitching, sewing, or quilting this Sunday too.
Feels good to be "playing" in my studio after a long work week.
With Smiles!


  1. This is just gorgeous!! A lot of work involved in all that stitching, beautifully done, too.

  2. I'm just awe struck! It's AMAZING!!! Wow! Do you know how long it took her to finish it? Was it done by just one person? Thank you soooooo much for sharing this.

    1. A mother, daughter team made it...but I don't know how long it took them. I'll have to ask.

    2. Mom & daughter took 9 months to make this. Looks great on the frame Val.

  3. Simply gorgeous! Love embroidery and the quilting is going to really make this even better.

  4. Looks awesome! I spent the afternoon with my green bag lady friends preparing fabrics to sew bags this week.

  5. wow! just stunning-do you know you will quilt it yet?

  6. Wow!! It is amazing. I am anxious to see what it looks like after quilting. please post a picture when you are finished.

  7. I'd be terrified! Keep us updated on your progress!

  8. PLEASE--show us when completed!! It is a beauty now and can't wait to see it completed!

  9. Wish I could say that I made this. It is so absolutely gorgeous!!

  10. That's a once-in-a-lifetime quilt! Gorgeous.

  11. I hope you post a picture of the quilt quilted. it's gorgeous now, and I must see it quilted!!!!!

  12. I hope you post a picture of the quilt quilted. it's gorgeous now, and I must see it quilted!!!!!

  13. Eek, I would feel so nervous about quilting this beauty, but I know you'll do it justice. Thanks for sharing.

  14. THat is stunning. You should feel honoured that they entrusted it to you to quilt xx

  15. Here I am browsing blogs that aren't on my daily list and came across slow stitch sunday and there you were! Lol! Good morning again! I'm off to have coffee woth a friend visiting for a couple of days from Ottawa. Have a great day!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
