Thursday, May 15, 2014

May Happy Mail

My monthly fat quarters have arrived and they are as cute as a ladybug!

Serious!! I LOVE RED!
On a totally different note: I have met NONE of my quilting goals this week. 
I was going to do the Blogger Festival....not.
I was going to get my Classroom Quilt finished and posted for a Friday Finish....not.
But, you know what I told myself: "It's OKAY!!!"
Right now, in this chapter of my life, I'm learning how to relax and slow down without feeling guilty. Ya ever feel like you actually have to learn how to enjoy slowing down? LOL!

But, that's how May is in a teacher's life...a lot going on to wrap up a school year and sometimes, I have to give myself permission to breathe and relax.  I'm also a lead teacher for summer school, so in counter balance, I am busy getting ready for that too. I love my work. But, seriously, by the time I get home right now, I am done. I can't imagine being inside anymore. I enjoy a walk, dinner, a glass (or two) of wine. The evening is wrapped up with me wool stitching, a cup of tea at my side, watching a few of our favorite TV shows. I am to bed early.

I know I'm just missing my time in the studio and starting to look forward Summer Break...the most rejuvenating time of my life!!! Okay, I'm kinda chatty this post. (LOL!) BUT! I do foresee some quilting posts this weekend. YAH!!! (As my husband's schedule is crazier than mine right now...which means more quilting time as I fill the void of our schedules being out of whack.)


  1. I was a sub teacher (many yrs ago) and know the feeling.

    1. Sharon, thanks you are the best. Every career has is "moments" and right now...I really miss sewing..but gotta do what ya gotta do:)

  2. Oh my! That red is lovely! (And you weren't too chatty at all!)

  3. Oh that is super happy mail. Great reds! I know May is a crazy time for teachers. Hang in there!

  4. Reds look great. And in order to go the distance with significant projects pacing is essential, so 'rest' days are always good things too.

  5. I get it, Val! Just do like the song from Frozen, let it go! I find things happen in their due season! Pour a second glass of vino and get those feet up early tonight! TGIF!

  6. great fabrics! sometimes we just need to breathe and take care of ourselves-hugs

  7. My kids all have open house and grades and testing and all the end of year activity that teachers must handle so I know exactly what you mean. Summer is just around the corner and if you aren't doing any in-service days perhaps a little relaxation?

  8. You guys are the best!! THANKS for the support! June is summer school...then that six weeks through July through mid-August will find me definitely relaxing, enjoying the quiet of summer days with more sewing, working in the yard...and just not being on a schedule!:)

  9. As Juan Pablo would say,,,,,,"Its Okay". Serious dear, you must be subconsiously getting ready for the next season of "The Bachlorette". Its going to be a crazy couple weeks coming up with my work schedule Have a great day with those "curtain climbers"....

  10. I totally support letting some things go. It is supposed to be fun!

  11. Play - that doesn't always mean quilting. Love the reds you got. Red's my fav... is it yours, too?
    Changed my Grandgirl quilt again. I'm now making a Disappearing 4 Patch. 4 blocks in, and I'm loving it. Hope that feeling persists.

    1. I love red, but then I also love plum and yellow and pink....seems like I can never pick just one favorite color!! LOL!

  12. Quilting should be play time, and at least you got to play with some cute fabric.

  13. Waooo, beautiful reds and so cute toy!

  14. That's a lovely fan of red fabrics, and so cute with the lady bug! I hope you get to play in your studio soon.

  15. I love the red fabric!! Do you mind telling where you got it from? I'd like to order some, too.

  16. Okay, as soon as I pushed publish on my last comment I saw the Stash Stack Club button. I really love the fabric on the far left but couldn't find it on their website. Does it have a name on the selvage? Thanks!

  17. What? you didn't meet your goals? You ignored all those shoulds? shame on you! (snicker snicker)

  18. I love red, too.

    I love the slow life, it's just frustrating how little gets done :) I have to learn to speed up a little.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
