Saturday, May 3, 2014

May RSC: Greens Chosen & a "Green" Household Tip!

In keeping them dark and's what I got! Lucky me, my blogging friend Jane sent me a bag full of scraps this week and thus the pile of strips. My husband joked that only I would be happy to get a bag of someone else's scraps in the mail. LOL!!! These will be fun to play with as I add to my growing rainbow neighborhood.

And staying with the theme of green, here's a quick and inexpensive way to keep flies out of the kitchen: Get yourself a basil plant for the kitchen. Serious. We grow (and use) basil in the kitchen all summer long and it keeps the flies away! Who knew?!
Happy RSC Saturday!
With smiles,


  1. Look at all that green dotty goodness! I have to keep my herbs outside as the minute I set them up in a kitchen window my furry friends are into them - outdoors, they leave them alone.

  2. Augh....yes the wonders of cat ownership. Our beloved "Boogie" died at the age of 18 last year...we can now have house plants again. (smiles)

  3. Wow what wonderful greens! I grow basil every year in my garden. I didn't know it kept flies away, thanks. I like to take a few leaves and put them in some ice water after twisting them together to release the flavor, it make a refreshing drink when it is really hot outside.

  4. Those are definitely green! Sounds like a wonderfully colorful neighborhood is being born.

  5. Nice collection of greens. I still have to get sorting.

  6. Love your basil pot and the greens are lovely.

  7. Surely not only you, Val! Each scrap is important and welcome. Great Greens! Thank you for the basil tip - I have to try that. x Teje

  8. Hi Val!
    Basil! Thanks for the tip!
    Green! Favorite colour! Also blue and yellow mixed! I'm growing fond of pink and flower fabrics too!
    Take care,

  9. I'm off to get some basil. Great tip.

  10. I think I will get some basil to try too

  11. oh wow-I use allot of basil but didn't know it kept flies away-thanks my friend

  12. Basil! I need to get some. Great tip, thanks. Love all your shades of green. I love scraps especially if they are from someone else's stash. There is always a secret treasure in there!

  13. Your greens look fabulous! I have been pulling mine out too... but am finding the darker ones are hard to come by.... at least in the style I am working. Can't wait to see your blocks this month! Love basil too.. grow it every year on the deck!

  14. Love the green fabrics. So bright and cheerful. I'll have to try the basil trick in the house. We have it growing outdoors all summer but have never brought it into the house. Worth a try. :-)

  15. That is a green tip! I'll bet it's good for lots of things. Thanks kiddo.

  16. Tell your husband there are a lot of fellow quilters who would love someone else's scraps like that in the mail! And dots!! Heavenly.

  17. Interesting tip. I will have to try that next summer.

  18. oh, you KNOW I would love to get a bag of green scraps! And what a great tip! I would have never know to use basil to keep flies away.

    Thanks so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  19. I'm behind on the rainbow scraps but hope to get the purple and green ones done before the month is over. And thanks for the basil tip. I never knew that. Thankfully I don't get too many flies inside, unless the kids continue to leave the screen door open.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
