Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Mail Being Sent!

As much as I love receiving Happy Mail, I think I love sending it even more!
I have fun stuff to send out today. Sitting on the front seat of our jeep, awaiting delivery after school is: 1. Blog give-away winnings. 2. A surprise birthday delivery to our grandson  3. A commission flimsy I quilted over the weekend and tucked in-between, 
a little  "just because" card for my mom. (Hi mom!)

What kind of mail makes you happy?
With smiles!


  1. Both ways! It is fun sending out packages, big and small and just as much fun to receive them.

  2. My favorite mail is squishy mail. The anticipation... and the endless possibilities in that envelope. It's like Christmas!

  3. YAY!!! Looking forward to getting my Happy Mail!! Thanks Val.

  4. As long as it isn't a bill I'm happy, lol! Seriously, though, I love getting books in the mail - thats my favourite. Book full of inspiration, cup of tea, handful of cookies and I'll all set for the afternoon!

  5. I still get a thrill over hand written notes! I like those notes just a tad more when there is fabric under them.

  6. Practically any mail other than bills or junk.

  7. Happy Mail received! It is awesome. Thanks for the M&M help. =)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
