Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 ALYofF: Twelve Finishes!

A big thanks to Shanna and Melissa for the quilty motivation this year!!

 As we all find ourselves wrapping up 2014, it's rewarding to see all that  has been accomplished. I myself met each of my monthly ALYofF goals this year and it was pretty fun to see them all together in a collage:
Looking back, I'm also grateful for everyone's support and encouragement throughout the year. You wouldn't think a sinple comment would make such a difference, but they really do! If ya by chance missed one of my monthly quilts here's the link to all my ALYofF's for a quick peek at each one. I haven't given much thought to 2015, but am sure as the new year arrives, I'll find my motivation. Until then I'm linking up with everyone else at The ALYofF Finale Party and wish each of you a great start to the new year!
My Button
 With smiles,


  1. Congrats on all those finished projects, and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family.

  2. Congratulations on achieving all of your goals. I am inspired by your ability to always achieve what you set out to achieve. I think this year my goal will be to make goals (and to reach them).

    Happy New Year!

  3. 12 finishes! I'm in awe. I did finish one. I started a bunch, but don't really think of them as UFOs unless they are earmarked for someone. (Funny how we all have different "daffy - nitions" of things. Take the easy work Blue, for example. Even I was floored by my 64s. Blue just isn't what I thought it was.) Thanks for showing your beauties. Fun to see them again.

  4. You had a great year of finishes. Your "house" quilt is still my favorite for the year.

    I'm going to try the ALOYF this year to see if helps reduce my unfinished project list.

  5. Love all those pictures! Particularly those that have the four legged model!!

  6. Wow! You nailed it during 2014 Val... Way to go!

  7. lots of wonderful makes here lets hope the same for this year

  8. That is a whole lot of beautiful finishes Val! Wahoo! For you!

  9. Congratz on all 12 finishes! Very impressive! All your projects are fabulous!

  10. Congrats on 12 of 12. Your puppy needs to step up though - only made it in a few of the photos. Good luck in 2015!

  11. Nicely done and best wishes to you for a successful quilting 2015.

  12. WOW! look at all you have accomplished in a year! I am so glad you have found a hobby that you LOVE! I'm glad I can reap the benefits of your craftiness :)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
