Sunday, December 28, 2014

Applique BOM Found!

Yep....right there in my very own piles of WIP's I found this Antique Flower Garden Project from  KimSchaefer's Flower Festival book. This is block #50 called Yippee Twist:

When I first learned to applique, I found this BOM to be too difficult for my beginner hands. Now a few years later, I feel able to tackle it.
This will be one of the projects I'll look forward to sharing throughout 2015. I have missed having an applique project and am looking forward to sharing this on Sunday's at Kathy's.
With Smiles,


  1. I know what you mean about how our abilities change. I often think back to when I did my Hawaiian quilt which was pretty simple, but back then it seemed so frustrating. It takes a lot of tenacity to become happy with our quilting.

  2. It's such a nice feeling when you can realize how far you've come in developing skills. It looks like you have some fun stitching for next year.

  3. Beautiful block! I know what you mean, I have a BOM that is waiting for me to be good enough to stitch it :)

  4. This looks like a perfect BOM project for 2015! I am not a huge fan of doing appliqué, I prefer wool felt appliqué or embroidery. This will be perfect to share for Slow Sunday Stitching and the fact that you already have everything you need is even better!!!

  5. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Val

  6. Oh, this is pretty - look forward to your progress thru the new year.

  7. Oh so pretty / it will be fun to enjoy your progress ! :)

  8. I LOVE that quilt. I have the book and it is one of my favorite quilts in it. Good luck with the BOM applique. You can do it!!!!!! Looking forward to seeing your progress in 2015. Happy New Year.. Happy New Project!

  9. OOooohhh..awwwwww! So pretty. I have yet to do any hand applique.

  10. It's a beautiful project Val - No wonder you are excited!

  11. Nice find. Glad you are all ready for the start of 2015

  12. That block is beautiful. I look forward to following your quilt's progress next year.

  13. this is going to be a good project to follow you progress on, applique seems to be getting more and more popular, maybe i ill have to have a try at a simple very simple project too

  14. Oh this pattern looks so pretty! I'm looking forward to seeing your completed block! Happy New Year Val!

  15. The fabric design and colors in your applique block are very pretty. I look forward to seeing more blocks.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
