Sunday, January 25, 2015

Grow Your Blog Event & Give-Away!

If you're already a regular around here, I'm happy you stopped by and hope you'll scroll down to enter yourself in my GYB Give-Away. (But don't miss the paragraph below Wilma & Betty...because I'm talking about you there! SMILES!) If you are new to my blog, well Hello! I'm Val and this is me and buddy, Jackson. (He has a habit of photo bombing my quilt taking photo sessions'll see!) This is a quilting/sewing hobby blog. People comment often that they like my "happy"  quilts.

So Who Am I and Why Do I Blog?

 My husband is my very best friend and we have started the "empty nest" chapter of life and are having a blast. We have two young adult daughters, one Sea Hawk Loving fan of a son-in-law, and an adorable (of course, right!) grandson who is 15 months old. 
I'm still close to my parents, though about 843 miles seperate us. 
These are the people I love to create quilty hugs for the most!

By day, I'm a veteran (26 years) teacher, to a class of energetic Second Graders in Oregon, (USA). I started quilting in the Fall of 2009 and blogging a year and half ago to document my projects and growth as a quilter. (So it's safe to say I'm still pretty new to all of this).
I have found blogging to be very motivating in my completion of projects and love the "virtual quilting guild" it has created for me. I have made some wonderful friends blogging and enjoy the linky parties and blog hops we all participate in. We also enjoy exchanging fabric and patterns by way of "snail mail". I truly find this inspiration and support received from all my fellow blogging friends to be priceless. 

 With that said, I'm only a blogger. I admittably don't even know what Twitter is and have never even been on Facebook.  I like to sew and write.

What Kind of "Quilter" Am I?

As you can see from the above collage, I'm a pretty eclectic sewer who dabbles in applique, English Paper Piecing, (love my hexagons) traditional and out-of-the box piecing, long-arm quilting, quilt/sewing area organizing (See my Sunday Organizing Series). and I usually have many W.I.P. but let's not talk about that! (wink! wink!)'s another collage of quilts I made this past year:
(Told ya Jackson loves to photo bomb!)

I Hope You'll Join My Weekly Linky Party:

Stop by every Tuesday to link-up and share your 
OLD quilting/sewing posts. 

It's as easy as 1,2,3.
1. Each Tuesday I'll post one or two quilting/sewing themes.
2. Search through your quilting archives for old posts to link under the theme.
3. Grab yourself something warm to drink and enjoy visiting other's archives.

This Tuesday (Jan. 27th) we'll be linking up: Mystery Quilts

(Oh! And if ya keep a link-up party list on your blog, 
I'd be smiling a big THUMBS UP if ya added my Tuesday Archives "button" .) 

Here's my button code:  
Val's Quilting Studio

Speaking of a Give-Away!

This Give-Away is closed. The winner was announced right here.
I have this yummy six pack of Mia Fat Quarters by Kathy Brown 
and a spool of Omni Thread to share with a fellow blogging friend:
Just leave a comment to say hi, share how long you've been bloggin...whatever...I'm certainly looking forward to getting to know everyone throughout this event.
FYI:    I'll choose the winners using Mr. Random Number Generator.
I will announce the winner and highlight their blog here at Val's Quilting Studio on February 15th.  I will also email the winner, so make sure you are not a no-reply blogger. Everyone is welcome to enter as I'm happy to post internationally.  Good Luck! I hope ya enjoy this meet and greet event!  

Well...that's me. Feel welcome to check out my "pages" at the top of the blog and/or my "labels" over on the right. Maybe something will spark your interest! If so, become a "follower" and I can return the visit and follow your blog as well. (I even have quilts in my classroom. You can check out this selfie quilt below right here.) 
With that said, I'm so grateful for this event Vicki organizes and the opportunity to network and meet others of like interests. There's almost 400+ bloggers in this meet and greet party. Crazy amazing! Click this pic for a quick shortcut to check things out:
With Smiles,


  1. Val, on behalf of Vicki at 2 Bags Full, weldome to "Grow Your Blog" Day. You've certainly grown your blog by one follower -- me! I've already designated a quit for Tuesday's Linky Party.

  2. Hi Val, long time follower! Your button has been on my sidebar for ages.

  3. I have been blogging since early in 2012.

  4. I have followed you since last year, some time.

  5. Hi Val, great blog post. I started blogging just over a year ago and started following you via GFC.

  6. I've blogged since July 2009, but on my new blog since January 2013.

  7. I have your linky party button on my blog, for sure.

  8. Hi Val - I am a long time follower of your blog. I've said it before and will say it again, Jackson is a supermodel! Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. Here's my chance #2 to win - I've been blogging since March 2013 so I am coming up on my two year anniversary. It has been a wonderful experience and I've enjoyed meeting so many lovely people like you!

  10. I follow you through Bloglovin' and my blog. Think I've been with you a couple of years. And I really LOVE your happy quilts.

  11. And here's my chance #3! Your linky party button is on my blog! I've got my fingers and toes crossed! Thanks for the chances to win!

  12. I found your blog by the Grow your blog last year and have been a follower since. I hoped I would be a little better to spend time sewing last year, but it seems that knitting takes most of my time. But now it is a new year and new opportunities, and your blog gives inspiration!

  13. Sweetie, what a lovely meet and greet post. Love all the color and techniques and embracing of the love of fiber. Will see you on Tuesday for sure.

  14. Val, Great post! I love your blog and also LOVE Jackson! You know I'm a fan!

  15. The Pug Boys and I are just saying "Hi!" You've been on my blog roll for a while and I look forward to each new post!
    Pugs and kisses,
    Nancy, Romeo, Elvis, and LarryPug

  16. I have been blogging for almost 3 years.

  17. Hi Val, Longtime follower on blogger. Love your colorful happy quilts as bright colors are my favorites.

  18. I have been blogging since 2011 - had to look back to see. lol
    Like you I am a former elem. teacher and also was a principal. Loved the job most of the time. Love to quilt and have many WIPs. Hope you have fun visiting all the blogs.

  19. Glad to me another fellow WIP person. I too have many projects started and am joining OPAM so that I am forced to finish some of them. I will be following you to see what you finish as well! L

  20. I am a new blogger. I am visiting through Vicki's blog party.

  21. Hi Val! I have been blogging about 3 years now over at I really love your blog and read it most everyday so I am an old follower!

  22. I follow on Bloglovin and have your button on my blog

  23. Hey Val, I'm doing your piggy bank challenge and I have been blogging for about 6 years.

  24. I am very happy to say I am a follower and have been for a while now. I guess it's Google I use to couldn't prove it by me. (low tech)
    So happy to be in the race. Thanks for the chance.

  25. Hi Val! Wonderful post! I'm your follower (by bloglovin). Thank you for sharing those beautiful Fabrics! x Teje

  26. Val, I have your button on my sidelist. Your idea for this linky party is so great. x Teje

  27. I have been blogging since 2010 and have enjoyed every moment. So many amazing friends around the World. As you said, I also like to write and share photos and wish I could post more often. I like also IG, but Twitter and Facebook are not for me. Have a lovely week! x Teje

  28. Hi Val, by way of GYB. This looks like such a fun blog. I am new and followed you on Bloglovin, also added your button to my blog.

  29. i think i was already following but for sure now, i am a Ga. quilter following vicki's list

  30. I've had your button up on the blog since at least late December last year.

  31. I've been blogging for a little over 4 years.

  32. I've been following you via Feedly since sometime last year. I just added myself as a follower on your blog.

  33. Hi, Val! Great post. I've been a follower for quite awhile and like your Tuesday Archive feature.

  34. I don't remember how long I've been blogging. Just a couple of years. LOL, I set up a blog about 5-6 years ago, and no body - I'm talking not a single person - read it. I'd send links to my family, which basically the blog was just about my family and me, and they didn't care enough to read it. Very discouraging. So when I started quilting, and subsequently started blogging, I discovered readers! So nice to have readers :)

  35. Hi Val! I don't have a blog of my own, but have been reading blogs for about 4 years now. I get so much inspiration from yours and other great bloggers out in blog land. Thanks so much.

  36. I have been following your blog with email.

  37. How could one not follow your lovely blog which oozes fun, fun, fun! I want to be a child in your would be the best fun. Love all your happy quilts, they sing the merriest of tunes. I have been blogging for 2 years and like you, consider it rather akin to, (in my instance) a very long conversation between friends. So happy to be following you both on bloglovin and Google....I don't want to miss out on any of your infectious fun!!

  38. Hi Val,

    You and I have been blogging for about the same amount of time. Thank you for all your encouragement and inspiration!


  39. Hi, Val. I'm your newest follower, for the moment. Nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting my blog. Love the party and it looks like we have a few things in common. Funny, I thought I was already following you. Well, I'm sure now and have added you to my blog roll on my page.

  40. Val, I enjoy following your blog. I work with 2nd graders as well. :)

  41. Hello! I'm Melissa and I just started blogging. I'm very new to it, and still trying to figure it out. Mostly I just post my WIPs because people on FB are annoyed of seeing them :)
    I only have a few posts but if you'd like to see :
    It's called "A Small Sample Study of Works in Progress" but the acronym for the url does seem a little unfortunate...might need to chance that

  42. I've been following you since close to the beginning of your blog - I believe I started following you after I read your post about giving your fabric and thread scraps to the birds to build their nests with.

  43. I'm not entirely sure how long I have been blogging for. I have had a few attemps at it over the years. Maybe it was 2010 the first time I had a go at blogging, but I wasn't sure about it. Then I tried blogging with my sister, but that didn't last. And now again by myself, with a little more consistancy than in the past. BTW, I forgot to say I follow you via my Blogger Reading List ( I probably also follow you on bloglovin, but I never really check bloglovin).

  44. And, of course your linky party button is on my blog :)

  45. So many lovely quilts! Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.

  46. Your projects seem so happy :)

  47. I don't have a blog of my own, it's something that I'm thinking about doing but don't know how to manage it in terms of time. I do spend a lot of time following blogs and I very much enjoy that ( my DH would say I'm addicted! Lol)

  48. Hi Val!

    I have been blogging since last summer, but have only written 11 posts. *sigh* I have a sort of belated New Year's resolution to do better, though!

    I very much enjoy your blog, especially your Tuesday Linky Party. It's the best part of most Tuesdays!

    How do I know if I'm a "no reply blogger" or not?

  49. Hi Val! I've been following your awhile...thanks for the inspiration. I have been blogging for a few years, regularly for about 2 with my sewing adventures.

  50. I'm visiting from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada and I'm participating in the Grow Your Blog too. I've been blogging since 2009. Thanks for the giveaway.

  51. Wow Val, What a hoot! I love YOU! I'm so happy to meet you! And Jackson!

  52. Val,
    Thanks for the visit and for adding me to your blog roll! I love your "happy quilts". Most of my projects are small, but trying to start something bigger (And finish it). I'll be back.
    www.thevictoriangypsy.blogspot. com

  53. I've been blogging and quilting about a year now. What fun!

    t_ktl at

  54. Val, we met last year at the grow you blog party. I remember clicking on your blog and knew right away I liked you and your work. You are such fun. I have so enjoyed our growing friendship over the past year . I love you work, I love how you love your students, I love how you love your family, but I think you are a nut for walking all the time ! Please do not enter me in your giveaway I just wanted to stop in and send some love. Xo

  55. I've been quilting since 2007. I like checking out blogs and have even thought of doing a blog but don't think I'd have much to blog about. I bore myself!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  56. stopped by from the GYB party, and i love seeing your posts. can't wait to follow along and see your weekly archive parties :)

  57. I love following your blog. I also link up on a your TUESDAY archives. I have been blogging for about 18 months. It has helped me with my grieving process. The quilting world is amazing

  58. Hi Val. I have been blogging since 2012, am a follower and have your button displayed on my blog.

  59. Hi Val, just joined your blog as part of the Grow Your Blog and am very interested in your Tuesday link ups. Will have to keep an eye out to join in.

  60. Good question Val? I think for about 4 years. And I have been following you for quit sometime. I enjoy seeing all the interesting things you are up to!

  61. Hi Val - I've been following you for a while but it's good to learn more about you!

  62. What a great blogger - I seem to have a lot in common so will be a new follower . Great giveaway as well!

  63. Hello from a fellow Oregonian! I've been blogging for a while, about my art and design stuff. Hope you can visit!
    Love the colors in your sweet little giveaway!

  64. Love your quilting! Thanks for helping out at the party!

  65. I enjoyed my visit with you - thank you for inviting me! I'm going to be starting to make my first 'real' quilt soon - must admit to being very nervous. I far prefer to crazy quilt! Enjoy the tour!

  66. Hi Val been following for a good while now! Started quilting in 2012 and blogging in 2013 so 2 years at it now!

  67. Hi Val, just dropping by on the GYB party. Waving Hello from snowy cold east coast Canada, where we're expecting a foot of new snow tomorrow... I've been blogging 6 years, and quilting for 25+. Hope you'll drop by and visit me too!

  68. Kiss Jackson on the nose for me! I am so glad to be one of your followers, you blog is just too much fun.

  69. Greetings from the Pacific Northwest! I'm a bloglovin follower!

  70. I've been quilting on and off for 14 years and have ventured into other crafting hobbies. Your projects are beautiful.

  71. Hi Val, I have been bloggin just a few months and quilting for 2 years. I am a 38 year old mom,wife, and recently disable nurse. I have been dx with RSD which is a nurse disorder so I try to quilt as often as my body will let me. It helps which the out rages pain I am in daily. Thanks for the chance!!!!!

  72. I've been blogging since Aug 2011. I started for the same reason you did. To journal my quilting.

  73. I would love to browse in your studio! Your projects look amazing. Thank you for the tutorials. I have been quilting for over 20 years, and you can still find something that appeals to everyone. Thank you for the giveaway.

  74. I began my first blog in April 2010. My daughter took over that blog and I can't remember when I started my main blog :-) .

  75. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! your! I'm planning to dip my toe (tentatively) into the world of quilting later this year - if I practise every day for the next twenty years, if I'm lucky, I MIGHT make something HALF as lovely as your work! Maybe!Love your valentine quilt - gorgeous :) Sending hugs from Shroo:)xx

  76. Hello! I follow you with bloglovin. I've only been quilting 2 years or so, and I love reading blogs for inspiration.

  77. Hi! I am currently on a hiatus from blogging, but I really do miss it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  78. I'm not a blogger, but I am learning to quilt and sew. I too am best friends with my husband. We are close to having an empty nest. So I will be looking forward to grandchildren. Oh, and I have two daughters.
    Have a great day! dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com

  79. Been following for a while now and have enjoyed every minute! I've been blogging just about a year now myself so I'm still a newbie too!

  80. Hello from Nova Scotia...I don't blog but do read a lot of blogs...I have got many many awesome ideas to try....

  81. Your quilting makes me smile and we all need smiles these days. Thanks

  82. Hi, Val. I'm a new follower by email. I look forward to keeping up with your work.

  83. Hi Val... I follow you but this here via GYB! Thanks for the inspiration you always give me with your posts!
    Cheri, the quilting nanny

  84. Hi Val! I'm visiting via GYB and have been blogging since 2010. I'm gonna go check out your linky party and the rest of your blog!

  85. what a cute doggie. so precious!! what fun. i love your blog ... the dots & you seem like such a happy & go lucky kind of person. ( :

    i love the song of Oh Happy Day!! we played at our wedding. fun times.

    thank you for stopping in to my blog. hope you are well. big big hugs. take care. & see you again soon.

  86. Very nice to meet you Val , I will be happy to become a follower , you have so many of the same interests it will be fun to see your lovely work and happy quilts . Thanks for visiting ,y blog and becoming a follower too .

  87. Well, we do seem to have lots in common, Val! I'm glad we have connected through GYB.

  88. Oh, and I forgot to tell you - I've added you in my Bloglovin feed! :-)

  89. Hi, Val! Better late ro the party than not at all, eh? Blogging has brought some new friends into my life and I am so pleased to count you as one of them! ��

  90. I've been blogging a couple of years, thanks for stopping by my summerhouse as part of the GYB blog party

  91. Hi Val, I started reading your blog about a year ago. Sorry but I'm not a blogger, anyway it's very nice of you to have such a nice giveaway.

  92. Love your quilts! I sew for World of Charity Stitching (make quilt tops and another member completes the quilts on her long-arm machine).

  93. Hi Val, I sure enjoyed the visit and look forward to your weekly linkup! I have been blogging for a couple years now. Is Jackson a Jack Russell?

  94. Just saying hi, and thank you for the great giveaway! msmissy02 at gmail dot com

  95. I am a 'veteran teacher too..just one year longer than you!.... Teenage deaf pupils in Somerset England. I am a brand new convert to patchwork and quilting...think it's the only thing keeping me my teenagers are yet to fly!,
    Best wishes

  96. Hi Val - long time follower from the UK

  97. Hello Val... so much to discover on your blog!!! I'm quite new with quilting - in 2014 I finished my first two quilts and only about 1 week ago I finished a project which brought me to quilting (my postcrossing quilt with fabrics from all over the world). I love your blog-party idea to re-cover old posts concerning special topics ... so I will follow your blog and come back again! Kind regards, Annett

  98. Just found your blog, can't wait to have a look around :) emilyste7ens at gmail dot com

  99. Nice to meet you - I'm visiting from the Spain.Love your quilts!

    My first post was in December 2006

  100. I have been following for a while.
    Thank for a chance at the giveaway

  101. Been blogging for a couple of years. Need to start linking up on Tuesdays.

  102. Hi! Love your blog. I am a follower. I have been attempting to blog, very sporadically since 2011.
    My blog is called Ozark Country Stitchin. HHopefully I will get better. Thanks for the chance to win.
    wigglypup2 at yahoo dot com

  103. I may not be a blogger, but I am a follower via e-mail and love the blogs, because they introduce us to so many talented people, eager to share their knowledge and willing to lend a hand.

  104. Hello Val, I have followed you for a while via GFC but visiting not from the GYB. Found out heaps about you from that! Nice post.

  105. And why do I blog? Guess it can't possibly be because I'm a Mrs Havachat, can it? LOL
    I blog because I wanted to record my creations. I realised a couple of years back that for all the years I've created, I have very little to show for it, as most of my quilts go to charity. I only have a few things here at home. As I got used to blogging, I found I really enjoyed "talking" to the world, and getting "conversations" going on my posts. Love it!

  106. Hi Val! My name's Nataly and I'm from Russia :)) Nice to meet you :)
    I'm blogging since september 2007 :))

  107. It's nice to meet you Val! :) I love all your quilts!! So inspiring.

  108. Hi Val! I enjoyed getting to know you better. I've followed your blog, but this was so much fun to see all you do! I'm a 26th year teacher also! You make me tired just seeing what you've accomplished in one month. The time I quilt the most is S-U-M-M-E-R! I've been quilting for 8 years, blogging for 4 years. Thanks for the giveaway!

  109. I so enjoyed hearing a little more about you Val! I have been blogging since 2009 but I was really horrible about posting but I am getting better this past couple years :-)

  110. I have had my blog for a few years but I am a very bad blogger. I need to go update it as I have not posted in a year. I love reading your blog

  111. I've been blogging alittle over 3 years now. I don't have a lot of time to write posts, but do try to keep up. You know I love that Jackson, he's got personality for sure! Thanks for the chance to win, hope you get lots of new visitors from the GYB!

  112. I've been blogging for 6 years. It's always nice to meet new bloggers and see what they create!

  113. Hello Val, you certainly do make happy quilts. They're beautiful. Thank you for your sweet visit to my blog. It truly is like a good conversation, the blogging thing, isn't it. Wishing you a happy day and sending you sunny smiles ~ Wendy of Apple and Apricot

  114. Hello, Jackson looks like a lovely dog. I've noticed quite a few quilter's dogs who love sitting on quilts for photos.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  115. I enjoyed learning about you and what you do. Its a pleasure meeting you and learning about your passions. I've became a new follower. Thanks for giving us a chance to win something. My email is

  116. Hello and thanks for the giveaway. I found your blog through the 'grow your blog' links hopping around the internet. :) My email, should I win the giveaway, is afistfuloflemons @ gmail. :)

  117. Love the inspiration on your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.

  118. Jackson is too cute and that's coming from a 'cat person'. I especially love the photo of him barking while standing on the dog fabric. Funny! I can't remember how long I've been blogging and am too lazy to check that out right now. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck growing your blog.

  119. Hi! I have been blogging for about 1.5 years. Thank you for the giveaway!

  120. Hi! from Ohio (USA) :)

    I don't have a Blog, hope can still play the Give-a-way chance here? :) Loooove the quilts you have made! I am pretty new to all this...have made a few...but pretty simple ones...and only Stitch-in -the -ditch quiklting too. Practicing small FMG things...usually become Potholders for me! lol

  121. Hi! Thank you for the giveaway.

  122. I don't know if you have to blog to enter but I do not have a blog. However, I follow many blogs including yours and I love to sew and make quilts.
    perry94022 at hotmail dot com


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
