Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday Archives #45: Medallion Quilts

Val's Quilting Studio

Happy Tuesday Archives everyone!
 Time to dig through your past posts and share any and all posts that highlight Medallion Quilts you've made or are a WIP. But, I'm going to admit right here and now, I have NO IDEA what a Medallion Quilt is as I sit and create this post/linky. (Be kind to me, I'm still a relatively new quilter) Seriously, the closest I've come to a Medallion Quilt is reading Round Robin by Jennifer Chiaverirni (It's part of The Elm Creek Quilt Series...Thank you mom for keeping me supplied in these wonderful novels!!! I love them!!!) I am literally LOL at myself right now! So what does a novice quilter do...she Googles....Medallion Quilts!
Here's what I found:


Sooooo..here's the definition:

Medallion quilts are quilts that are designed with focal areas at their centers.
Medallion quilts can be made up of either patchwork or applique (or both) or sewn using other quiltmaking techniques. The center medallion is typically surrounded by quilt blocks, setting squares and/or multiple borders.

Okay, then I googled images and feel in love with this one: 
(I'm thinking: "WOW!" as I create this post/linky)
Basket Medallion Quilt
This is from http://www.gloriouscolor.com/store.php?cat=237.


  1. That Flower Basket Medallion by Kim McLean is on my to-do list. A glorious photo.

  2. Love that quilt! The colors are so happy.

  3. Gorgeous quilt! I don't think I've ever made a medalion quilt. Look forward to viewing the link ups.

  4. I love this series of novels. My daughter keeps buying them for me. I am on the last one and will start with the first one again. I also have the quilt pattern books

  5. Looks like you found a great example to show case.

  6. I love medallion quilts. Mine don't yet have the fancy centers because I am practicing on the borders aspect. And because I want something like a mariners' compass center and feel daunted.

  7. I didn't know what a medallion quilt was for quite some time after I started quilting. It was really frustrating to not know that term when I was making one. I had a big block and wanted to add borders but the Internet wasn't making it easy to find interesting borders till I realized I needed to be searching for medallion quilt borders. that was a game changing search term!

  8. Those Kim McLean designs are always gorgeous! I haven't had the pleasure of making a medallion quilt yet but one's definitely on the "To Do" list!

  9. Don't worry, Val, I only know what they are because a few of my favourite bloggers have made some in the last year or so. But, even then, I didn't realise there was such variation in what a medallion quilt is.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
