Monday, March 23, 2015

Stay-cation Day 3: Walking & Yo-Yo Flowers

Like any "regular" leisure vacation, my morning found me in my bathrobe sipping tea, enjoying watching everyone else go to work! LOL!! Most the morning was spent paying bills, running errands (I did change out of my bathrobe for those!) and that kind of "fun" stuff. It's been stormy, windy, rainy, so it was easy to just putter. Jackson and I did find a break in the rain and got in our daily walk:

I love to walk. I was athletic when I was young and now find so much solitute and rejuvination in walking. I'm using afternoons during my break right now to build my walking milage back up to my, before surgery, daily three miles. I downloaded a new app on my phone called: Map by Walk. My main goal is to use it to map out all my different routes so I know how far they are. (I mayyyyy be guilty of saying a walk is three miles, when in reality it was only two!) 
I was impressed to see I'm keeping about a 14:39 minute mile pace. I'm not a big gadget gal, so can anticipate that I'll probably delete the app once I have all my routes mapped out.  Yet, with that said, I do recommend this app if you are looking for something to help you track your activities, calories, ect. I just want to know how far I'm walking.

My balanced healthy life philosphy comes down to these BIG 5: First, you are what ya eat. (Darn it!...never the less, that doesn't stop me from enjoying a good cupcake every now and then and that glass of red wine at the end of the day.) Second, I drink plenty of water every day. Third, I get in my 10,000 steps a day...ya gotta keep your butt moving! Fourth, I get plenty of sleep. (I need my eight hours a night!) Fifth, it all comes down to your attitude. (Make the best of what ya got and have a hobby you enjoy is what I say!) All that be said, a bathing suit is STILL not a staple item in my wardrobe! LOL!

Anyhoo, our walk for the day is done and I find myself waiting for the "tile guy" to come prep for our new bathroom floor, (I think my husband forgot he's NOT on Spring Break as he started remodeling our main bathroom):
No Toilet
No sink.
I'm going to make some yo-yo flowers for the center of my rainbow pinwheels.  
They'll look something like this when I'm done: (Cute huh!) I'm aiming to finally have this quilt completed for a Friday Finish this week.
Again, thanks for stopping by and keeping me company on my little stay-cation here. 


  1. 10 minute miles ! Girl you are movin'!! i walked a half marathon doing 16 minute miles and i thought i was moving. :) I don't think i could 'walk' a 10 minute mile.. i think i'd have to break into a jog or a run to do that. Do you speed walk? Hugs! deb

    1. Jinxxxy girl...I rewalked the route the next day as that 10 minutes seemed pretty amazing to me too...I'm more at a 14:39 pace. I still sweat and Jackson pants...but more realiztic huh! :)

  2. do walk fast. I am afraid I am a bit of a meanderer up and down hills! Love those yo-yos. They look wonderful on that gloriously spotty fabric!

  3. sounds like another great day of staycation. Love the yo yo flowers. I use both map my walk and map my ride. Some day I know it will warm enough for bike riding season to start. I've got a tread mill and try to get in 10 miles a week. Hmm just checked, for the past 3 months I've been averaging 15 miles/week. Maybe I ought to up the goals. Thanks for inspiring me!!

  4. Yikes... 10 minute mile? Can Jackson really walk that fast with his little legs? LOL

    1. Oh man....HE is why I do walk so fast. As a Jack Russell he is all "speed ahead!" Sometimes I try to "sneak out" for a leisure walk! LOL! But my shoes usually give me away!!

    2. Actually, I reqalked the route the next day and found I'm at about a 14:39 pace. (More realistic..but I'm still sweating!)

  5. A lot accomplished so far. New bathroom remodel? Sounds exciting!

  6. I love that photo of Jackson leading the way!

  7. Cute little fuzz-butt to lead the way. Good for you getting in your exercise on vacation!

  8. Sounds like you had fun, Valerie. A glass of wine a day is actually good for you. Look it up. Love that alphabet quilt and your quilting is marvelous. Thanks for linking to WIPs Be Gone!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
