Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday Archives # 61: QAYG

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
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Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: QAYG: Quilt As You Go

Admittably, I've never tried this method of quilting.  I found myself poking around the internet and found this very informative (and cute!) website/blog. It's called Shiny Happy World and she has an entire series of QAYG video tutorials!  I found myself thinking as I watched some of the vides, that even if you don't use the QAYG method, these are some great FMQ tips! You can click  here to see a list of her entire series of lessons.
Quilt As You Go #7 - How to Quilt a Blades Pattern - Video tutorial from Shiny Happy World


  1. Hi! I've never tried QAYG, but am very interested in it. So interested, in fact, that I'm going to go watch the video you recommended right now!

  2. Sorry, Val. I have not ever done this. I guess I should try it.

  3. I just do not like to do QAYG, but it is great for quilters using their domestic machines. I'll have something for you next week for the Quilt Shows theme.

  4. Oh, this takes me back to TV shows in the 80's, maybe? Georgia Bonesteel showing how to do QAYG. I thought I made one, but I've checked my photos, and there's not one in the bunch. Hmmm. I sure watched enough shows about it.

  5. Not a technique I've tried either, but then again I've not made time to learn to quilt. I'd rather piece so I pay the piper to get mine quilted.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
