Monday, June 8, 2015

June Birdhouse Wool Banner (After)

I'm starting to enjoy stitching my adorable Lily Ana Stitches seasonal wool banners. They measure 8x11 1/2 when finished and hang on this cute little stand on our fireplace when done. 
This little wool birdhouse is the June banner:
I just received my July sampler in the mail last week, a patriotic sailboat, can't wait to get started on it!

With that said, Summer is finally on it's way as I sit here this morning with a cup a tea at hand and no where to go! (aka: work) Aughhh....summer days that are not ran by school bells! 
Today will be spent here where there is already a mound of things to do:
I found myself a little giddy in anticipation when I took this picture.
I haven't done any sewing for three weeks. I'm missing my quilt making! (It really is therapuetic isn't it!) Just know I'll be thinking of all of you as I sort and clean and make lists of  my summer project plans. And, while I'm busy doing that, if ya haven't had a chance to enter my applique give-away, just click here. Good luck to all who enter and I hope your week is off to a great start as well.


  1. Have fun in your studio Val! I bet you are looking forward to summer.

  2. I can hear the eagerness in your words! I'm kind of closed down here. Gotta keep things picked up and clean for house hunters. Ugh! Can't wait to see what is first on your list of 'to dos'.

  3. Very cute June banner. How exciting! A whole summer to enjoy and relax and create!

  4. What a fun place
    to start summer vacation. So jealous!

  5. Summer is great! Have fun playing.

  6. Oh, you lucky thing, I could use a month to play! Love your wool birdhouse.

  7. you are going to have a lovely collection of little banners when you have done them all, the bird house is so cute. Good sewing room you have there happy stitching

  8. Just love the wool used in your banner !
    Lovely ;)
    Enjoy your sewing time.

  9. I have to have my sewing space semi-clean before I feel good about quilting/sewing. Enjoy your creations this summer!

  10. the whole summer vacay in front of you! Jackson is so cute with that enormous yellow tennis ball! Cole almost aspirates a tennis ball! LeeAnna

  11. Oh yes--I can relate! It seems I always need to clear a spot before I can start sewing--especially the long arm table that seems to collect everything from books to supplies.

  12. Oh I could so hang with you in that magnificent space. Hope you got a great start. Enjoy your summer. I look forward to seeing what you create.

  13. A summer to sew, can it get any better? Enjoy! I'm jealous. :)

  14. What a beautiful sewing room! Enjoy your summer and I can't wait to see all the goodies you create!

  15. The banner turned out beautifully. Enjoy your summer stitching time.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
