Friday, July 3, 2015

A Knitted Sampler Blanket

This beauty was made by my mom! My parents have been visiting for two weeks, and mom and I have spent many afternoons staying out of the summer heat together. She crocheting her blocks, then rows together. Me stitching on my summer wool sampler.
This  measures a little wonky 62" x 72" .
She has been working two years on knitting this sampler quilt. She enjoyed trying out all the different patterns, pretty much the same way we all do too. She was determined to get this one finished during her stay and she did. This one is by far our favorite block:

It looks great on my studio couch, yet for some reason I haven't been able to convince her that this would be a great home for it. (Hey...I wouldn't want to part with it either)
The holiday weekend finds us out of town with family and me getting in some Grammy time.
So not much sewing but having fun!
Hope yours is good as well. 

PS: Something NEW!

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  1. Wow, your Mom's knitted blanket is gorgeous.

    I hope you all have a great visit and wonderful weekend.

  2. I can remember my maternal grandmother doing something similar - wonder where that is? Enjoy your family 4th time.

  3. Your mum's crochet blanket is lovely. 'Tis a pity it can't live in your home. Have the best weekend away, Val.

  4. What a great way to practise new things. It looks beautiful.

  5. It is beautiful! It does look nice on your sofa, maybe it can come visit every so often. :). Hugs,

  6. Your mom's knitting is just wonderful, this is something I just cannot get the hang of. I can do a basic knit stitch and that's about it, when I try to purl I always end up messing it up, LOL!! I hope you can keep Jackson off of it, I'll bet he'd love it as a sofa cover too.

  7. What a beautiful knitted sampler your mom made. Gorgeous!

  8. Lovely - what a clever Mum you have!

  9. a lovely piece of knitting, lots of patterns to see and admire

  10. Those knitted blocks are all gorgeous!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
