Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tuesday Archives #96: Antique Quilts

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
. If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party.
(You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: ANTIQUE QUILTS

Like these Sun Bonnet Sue Tops I've been commissioned to quilt, what antique/heirloom quilts do you have? These were made in the 1940's. The backing was of a flour sack texture and all the Sues were hand sewn. Their thin dresses carefully detailed.  

These quilt tops have been well stored as they have no smell and minimal stains. The repairs were minimal, with only a few seams needing to be restitched before I starting to quilt them.
As sometimes happens when I'm preparing for our weekly linky, I get lost in the internet "researching" our theme. This week, as I tried to "define" antique, I found some interesting articles: 
The is no legacy of quilts in my family, yet as I quilted these Sue's I found myself curious of the woman who hand-stitched these so very long ago. Her precise stitches. Her attention to detail. Who was she? How Long did it take her to make these? The great-granddaughters these will be gifted to.


  1. I have no antique quilts, but I do have some antique furniture which I love. I often look at the bed, tall boy or whatever and think about the people who owned them. I fantasise about the children born on my bed, and even the people who perhaps drew their last breath. Who sat in the chair I love to sit in, or was it only ever in the "best" room and there for show.

  2. no antique quilts oh yes sorry I bought a hexie one in a charity shop unfinished not sure what I have done with it. God that this one will get finished now you are quilting it

  3. I have only one antique quilt of my own - but I don't often think of it as antique, since my great-grandmother made it for me when I was born. But I do have lots of furniture that my great-grandfather made for his young family, and drawings by his wife, that I treasure. I love to tell my grandchildren about their great-great-great-grandparents and have something tangible to show them that their hands touched once upon a time. And of course, I've got my antique sewing machines!

  4. I don't own antique quilts but was lucky enough to view quite a few last year at an exhibition in Wales where pictures were allowed! I'm sharing those pictures with you (Antique Welsh Quilts). The text of the blogpost is in French but there is a video in English at the end. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the linky party.

  5. I don't own any antique quilts, but I do have three quilts my grandmother hand quilted for me, plus two quilts completely pieced and quilted by her. They aren't antiques yet, but they will provide that legacy for my daughter.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
