Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday Sew Day

"Yep! I got got her back in the studio guys. 
 Keep reading to see everything my creative mom is up to. 
Oh! And thanks for all the belly rubs!" Jackson

It felt good to spend the morning catching up on all your blogs and we got in a long walk.
I finished this cute bear and star pantograph I was commissed to do for a friend.

I also prepared two blocks for the Bloom QAL

Now it's time to get the rest of the laundry folded, um excuse me Jackson
and myself ready for the work week. 
Happily, I'm four teaching days and one work day away from my Spring Stay-cation! 
My list is already started and I look forward to sharing it with you soon. 

This week's theme is Cross Hatch Quilting.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Jackson looks very happy to have you back. I am sure you have a fun list for your spring break stay-cation.

  2. Only a week until your Spring Break? So jealous--we have three weeks to go! I got all caught up with my Bloom blocks today since I picked up my sewing machine from the repair shop Friday. They are so cute. I can't wait to see your Bloom blocks together.

  3. Jackson looks the picture of contentment. Can't wait to see your Bloom QAL. Enjoy your week.

  4. You get a staycation? Can't wait to see what you do during your time.

  5. Hey Jackson I thought it was CATS that slept on the laundry! :)

  6. Jackson was successful! You made some nice progress in the sewing room.

  7. So glad you don't get lonely sewing. What a cute friend you have to keep you good company! His personality just oozes out of these photos.

  8. I love watching Jackson, but would not be able to keep up with that active of a dog. You know like, I love kids as long as they go home with someone else. Ty and enjoy every possible moment of our staycation.

  9. You're so productive it makes me tired :) How long are your holidays?

  10. Looks like you had some good stitching time over the weekend. I don't blame you for looking forward to your stay-cation.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
