Thursday, October 13, 2016

Good Morning!

For me...nothing starts a crisp Fall day better than a Pumpkin Pie Latte...
How about you? What starts your day with a smile?
Many great Fall links this week! Click the picture below to see.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I heart all things pumpkin. Pumpkin Pie Latte would do the trick for me.

    Enjoy your day, Val.

  2. My furkids always greet with a smile - no , think they are begging for me to fill the food bowls (which has to come before starting the coffee Mom).

  3. Good morning Val, I have never had one of these-I have seen some recipes for it on pinterest and I love pumpkin anything. I can't do any caffeine anymore but I could do a decaf version I am back to enjoying hot teas in the morning again-and warming up apple cider

  4. Not a fan of pumpkin latte, but I do enjoy the industrial grade jet fuel from Starbucks. I just don't get to have it that often.

  5. I love latte's, but I don't get those in the morning. But My Guy's coffee usually turns my lights on in the morning.

  6. A new blog post by my friend Val always starts my day with a smile! Especially if there's a photo of Jackson or your little grand guy! And I LOVE pumpkin soup and pumpkin ravioli. Not a coffee drinker...

    Pugs and kisses,

  7. looks so taaty here in the UK 94% of pumpkins sold are used for caring not eating, I bought one yesterday will roast some and make soup with the rest, they are only on sale for about 3 weeks here such a shame as they taste wonderful

  8. I'm all for the Pumpkin Pie Latte !!
    Perfect to get through the day. ;)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
