Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

We find ourselves for the first time in 28 years, spending Thanksgiving with just the two of us...and it isn't  weird! I still found myself getting up at the crack of dawn like a kid on Christmas morning. I had much to prepare before I get to the applique I have set aside to work on during the Macy's parade. (I love the Macy's parade!! Don't you?! Oh! And the National Dog Show that follows!) Sooo...the turkey is prepped. The pies are made. The champagne is chilling and our table is set...for two! Trading in the long family table for a romantic setting in front of the fireplace is kinda fun.
Quite honestly, I think the fact we just spent last weekend celebrating with our kids makes today easier and a bit more special for hubby and I. We get to enjoy all that we have to be thankful for, quietly together. As I'm sure it has for many of you as well, the gifts of Life and Learning, with it's sneaky, unexpected twists and turns along the way, creates an overwhelming sense of gratitude to have ended up in the good places we are.  For me, to travel this life adventure together in marriage, with my very best friend, is what I feel most blessed for. 

Welllll....and for the love of this little guy too!  I don't think I would have made it through that empty nest transition some seven years ago, without him (or quilting)
Today he gets his very own meat bone to enjoy the entire day!
Thank you for stopping by today. It is truly my wish for you  
 that your day is overflowing with love and gratitude as well.
Happy, Happy Thanksgiving friends!!
Click the picture below to read more about my weekly linky.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. It looks so cozy and sweet...enjoy your day. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I'm thankful for you, blogging and linking and sharing. How about the story of the plates showing in the picture.
    We've spent many holidays without other guests. It's doable. Our sis in law is hosting this year. I'm bringing the mashed potatoes.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, what a cozy scene! Lucky Jackson, a meat bone for the whole day!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Val!!! Love, love your table set for two. It will just be two here today too! Love the parade and did some hand quilting while watching the parade. Sounds like we are kindred spirits! LOL Enjoy your day - so thankful for blog friends like you!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Val! Enjoy the day and relax :)

  6. It looks so cosy and romantic. Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your day.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving. DH and I ate on TV trays, but we had turkey and all the trimmings.

  8. Lovely setting for the two of you. Enjoy your quiet celebrations

  9. That is a romantic setting indeed! How lovely, warm and cozy! Here it is 3 Thanksgivings, ha ha! Mine...I couldn't wait and made a wee bit of stuffing and a turkey breast earlier in the week. Small family and 1 neighbor couple yesterday. Today a big brou ha ha with extended family.

    I am sure that I won't crave turkey for quite awhile after today! :)

  10. Life continues to change and evolve. I'm glad you are enjoying this next stage with the two of you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
