Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday Archives #162: Sashing (And winner announced)

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio
Happy Tuesday everyone! Before we get our linky started, I just yelled over my shoulder asking my husband to pick a number between one and fifty-two and he replied:" Mmmmm...27!" Soooo congratulations to Bernie who blogs at Needle and Foot! You are the winner of my birthday give-away of 52 eye spy blocks!!
I agree with Bernie: I did have a:Happy Birthday Val!!! It was a crazy but oh so fun giveaway. Annnnd the comments were great to read and keep up on everyday! Thanks so much to everyone for joining in on a little birthday fun. It was a great way for me to keep active in blogland while hosting family and working over the past ten days. Bernie, watch your snail mail for your prize....and I know there is a new grandbaby in the family this little quilt would be perfect for!

This week's linky theme is: SASHING 

I know I myself have this wonderful turquoise fabric (Thanks for the recommendation Louise!)to cut into 2 1/2" strips to prepare the sashing for my own classroom quilt project.


  1. Are you on summer break yet? If not when does your summer break start? I'm starting my second week of break and will have two full days in the sewing studio this week and hopefully plenty of other time between appointments 😍

    1. Not yet. We are on our snow make-up days. The kids last day is Friday the 9th and we teachers get to go through the 14th. Summer is surely on it's way!! We can't wait that's for sure.

  2. Happy sewing, and hope you enjoy your summer!

  3. Wow!! I am so excited. I haven't made an I-Spy quilt so this will be a lot of fun. Thank you Val!!!!

  4. It would be fun to do another I spy swap, but this time with 5" blocks.

  5. Yay, Bernie, for winning the I-spy squares! Congrats!

    That's a great turquoise for sashing your class quilt. I'm glad my suggestion rang a bell for you :)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
