Saturday, September 16, 2017

Raw Edged Flowers....Washed!

How did it get to the middle of September already! I haven't been sewing and have only spent a few evenings during the week binding this beauty. I promised I'd post an update once these raw-edged flowers were washed and quite honestly this quilt has quickly become our very favorite! It received it's inaugural washing yesterday and after two rounds in the dryer I finally hung it out in the afternoon sunshine to get the rest of the drying process done.

I really like these scrappy, raveled flowers:

 I surprised my husband with it on our bed when he got home from work. He immediately said: 
"This is my very favorite quilt. I love how it brightens up the room."
Yes, he made my day!

Tuesday Archives Update

Val's Quilting Studio
I gradually coming out of my September "Back to School Fog". Defined as having to take naps after school with little energy to even stitch once evening rolls around. It takes about a month  to get settled into routine and my energy where I'm now...ready to get going again. I've updated our Tuesday Archives on the sidebar. Thanks for your patience at my lack of consistency lately. 

Some upcoming September projects that I'm looking forward to sharing with you include a self-designed super-hero quilt for our grand guy's upcoming fourth birthday and a quick dinosaur charm pack quilt for our second little guy due to arrive around the end of November. 
(Isn't quilting for little ones the best!
 Happily creating and quilting once again....

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.


  1. So glad to see your post. I just found out yesterday that I was not receiving email notifications for Leanna's blog and then it occurred to me that I hadn't seen a post from you either. So I checked your blog only to discover that your last post was Sept 5, so then I got worried and planned to email you tonight,to check up on you. Then the 9/17 post email arrived and I found you alive and well. Thank goodness. Nice that the grands will be an hour closer to you. Hope the school year got off to a good start.

  2. Isn't great when your husband loves your quilts too? My hubby is like that too. Love your flower quilt! Looks so cozy!!!!

  3. Intuitive and very smart, that husband of yours, Val. It is a gorgeous quilt. Those flowers....LOVE them!

  4. So pretty. I love this quilt so much :)

  5. Your hubby is smart....great quilt!

  6. Great quilt, I love those colors. Jackson always does a great job showing off your work.

  7. This is just so stunning! The simple 9-patches and pretty flowers - I do find this so striking.

  8. I like the raveled flowers too. That was such a nice compliment from your husband.

  9. This is so cute and so sweet that it is a favorite.

  10. Congrats on a gorgeous finish! Obviously you've got one great guy.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
