Friday, October 6, 2017

A Fall Break...

 Happy Fall!!
Fall is admittedly my very favorite time of year and how lucky I feel to have our daughter and 
grand-guy staying with us as their little family transitions in selling their home and moving during this festive time of year. (Oh, and yes a new baby due by Thanksgiving) With that said, I'm going to put Tuesday Archives on a brief vacation and well my blog too, as much of my time after work is being spent with this little guy. He loves to take Jackson for a walk with me. We routinely find ourselves filling our afternoons and evenings with books, paint, and well, just all around fun stuff that four year olds like to do! I'm sure I'll jump in here with updates of our time together every now and then...but just wanted to post that October will find me away from our "virtual" community of blogging/quilty friends. I know I'll miss it and you, but knew you'd understand.

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.
Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
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  1. Enjoy your family time. Sounds like lots of excitement happening in your life.

  2. Hi Val,
    Have fun! Enjoy! Autumn is beautiful!

  3. Have fun with your family. See you when you're back.

  4. Who could say know to that smile?! Enjoy your family while they're close.

  5. Enjoy the family while you have the chance. Thanks for heads up so we won't be wondering if something is wrong. Halloween will be really special for you this year.

  6. These times only come around once, enjoy your family!! Thanks for letting us know you'll be gone a bit.

  7. You will be missed. Enjoy the time with family.

  8. Have a wonderful time with your adorable grandson and his family! Of course we understand :)

  9. Have a lovely little bloggy break, lovely Val. I will miss visiting your happy place but I am quite certain when you do return, you will have much to show us. Enjoy!

  10. No better reason in the world to take a Fall Break :) These are exciting times for your family and you are making memories that will last forever. Enjoy!

  11. Enjoy the time with your little guy!

  12. I'm so excited you have this time with him and your daughter. I hope the move will keep them close. And yes, fall is the best time of year.

  13. Enjoy your special time together!!

  14. FOUR is one of the sweetest ages....enjoy your time and treasure it :)

  15. Such a good reason to take a break! Enjoy every bit of it!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
