Tuesday, January 2, 2018

California Thomas Fire Quilts

I'm answering Carole's "call for"  quilt blocks as she sets out to create two quilts for the California Thomas Fire victims. Her goal is 60 blocks. How easy it was to dig through my scraps and in less than 45 minutes, I had these two blocks done and ready to send to Carole. I'm a firm believer that many hands make for light work. I wanted to share this with you, as well, can you imagine how good it will feel for these victims to receive a homemade quilt from strangers during a time when one has lost everything and their faith is being tested. 
I hope you'll think about joining me in answering Carole's call for help.You can find this Thomas Fire Relief 12-inch block design at the Ventura Quilt Guild HERE. 
Click HERE to stop by Carole's blog: From My Carolina Home for the details of her mission.

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.


  1. I will check this out. I hadn't heard of it, and those blocks would be so simple to put together.

  2. Nice blocks and for such a wonderful cause. I'll visit Carole and get the details. Thanks for sharing, Val and happy new year!

  3. Great cause. Posted 4 blocks to Carole this morning. Hope lots of people respond.

  4. That's a great block for a great cause. I'm so glad you're participating!

  5. I just pulled out some fabric to make my blocks for Carole. I have one of the light fabrics you used, so I'll switch it out for someyhing else. I know it doesn't really matter, but it's not like I don't have lots of other choices.

  6. I popped a few in the post awhile ago...great block.

  7. What a kind quilter! Carole will be SEW pleased you were able to help.

  8. I'll be joining in with this block and sending some to help out. They'll be in the mail soon..

  9. I love your light/dark blocks. I've got 2 done, 2 almost done and hoping to get 2 more made this weekend so I can drop them in the mail to Carol on Monday.

  10. Colorful fire quilt blocks. I am also making some blocks for the effort. Trying to use a variety of fabrics. Hope your 2018 is going well.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
