Saturday, December 15, 2018

Simple JOY: Jackson

Always grateful for his companionship.


  1. Thanks for sharing your photos, they made me smile.

  2. What a cutie patootie! We've been spending time with friends here in Jacksonville who have a little Jack Russell named Joey. I suppose if we were going to visit you and Jackson, we'd have to meet in Joeyville? :)

  3. Dogs are such wonderful companions!! When my little girl goes, I will probably not get another and the house will feel very empty. Maybe then I can foster dogs, so there is not a long-term commitment - I don't want my dog to outlive me!!

  4. What a sweetheart. They are such good companions. I just let my boy go last Monday and am missing him very much. A friend did say to me and I really subscribe to this: "The endings are so hard, but we wouldn't miss the journey."

  5. Jackson is such a handsome man. Thanks for the smile this morning.

  6. Oh, how precious is that first photo!! Auntie Carole sends a tummy rub!!

  7. He does look like he is dreaming of Christmas joy!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
