Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Simple JOY: Our Little Tree

 Aughhhhh the dark days of Winter are upon us and this little ceramic tree just seems to be the perfect way to add a bit of JOY as it's colorful little lights brighten our dining table.  I rescued it from a church rummage sale a few year back. Ordered replacement bulbs and since it's become our annual Christmas tree. Yep.That's it. That's our tree. Admittably, it was kinda wierd to "break" our traditions of tree decorating. Yet, in our transition as empty nesters, replacing our BIG family Christmas Tree with this new little guy has been wonderful! The holiday itself often finds us traveling to spend it with our daughter and I purchase a pine scented candle to add to the whole holiday ambiance and embrace the simplicity!
 Every morning...

...and every night...this little tree just brings me JOY.
Plus, just imagine how quick my holiday clean-up is! 
Sometimes, "breaking" tradition is good.


  1. This year is our very first year EVER to not have a real tree, or any tree for that matter. We have three ceramic Christmas trees set up and that is what we are using. This is not likely a new tradition though. It's only because we are traveling to be with our daughter and unfortunately, our son cannot join us due to his Navy job.

    Like you, I'm looking forward to the easy clean up.

  2. What a great idea! I'm not ready to downsize yet, but someday I will NOT be wanting to clean up after a real tree!

  3. Your little tree is on my thrift shop wish list. I may have to buy one through an auction site as I never see them secondhand.
    I also downsized to a 3' prelit tree - it holds all of my thrift shop rescued ornaments.

  4. Hmm... some years, I really don't want to bother with the tree. Not sure I'm ready to go this extreme! Glad to hear it's working for you.

  5. We did a simple rope light tree for many years when our kids were teens and then for three years when we first emigrated and lived in an apartment. But I'm loving my big tree again ATM now that we have big family Christmases with all our sons at our house these days. But I'm sure one day our Christmases will downsize again and I'll love the simplicity too. 🎄🎅🌲🦌⛄

  6. I don't decorate at all any more. I help my Mom do what little pieces for her side of the house and the shop is decorated (and I am in there at least once a day). Your simple tree is cute and I find it delightful.

  7. Adorable little tree! And your set-up is perfect.

  8. I'm with you. Lovely tree. Keep it simple

  9. My aunt had a tree just like this. I wonder what happened to it? (She passed away years ago). I love it. I will keep my eye out. We used to get a ten foot tree but this year we scaled back and got a little tree (6 feet). Haha. I know that it won't be too many years before I will be right there with you. We are going to Vermont between Christmas and New Years so I am definitely not decorating as much as we usually do - Christmas Day at our house will be very quiet. I love this idea Val. Enjoy!

  10. Love your darling little tree Val.

  11. Your tree is adorable and brings back so many memories!! I have decided that I am going to make a quilt tree to use - less to put up and take down always works for me!! Not sure if I will make it a wall hanging or one that I can hang from the ceiling!!

  12. My daughter still wants a tree when she is home for Xmas break, so we of course will have one! My hubby wants me to sew a big double-sided tree quilt to hang in ur front window--he even said he would make it light up. I told him not toehold his breath!

  13. Oh! Oh! I just set up our ceramic tree today, too!! DH's grandmother made ours in a ceramics class years ago, so it has great sentimental value to him. Ours doesn't have the dusting of "snow" that yours does, very festive :)

    I seem to do fewer and fewer holiday decorations each year, but I enjoy them more and more. Simple JOY, as you said! Seeing the lights and decor in other people's yards/homes also makes me happy. Floridians are surprisingly into holiday lights. Maybe because it's easier to put them up in the warmer air??

  14. I haven't put up a tree (always real) in several years. Three of the four children (and all of the grands) live out of state (Texas/Florida and I;m in western NY) and don't come here,so the tree was easy to give up, although I really miss seeing my favorite ornaments which are still in boxes in the attic. How's that for a run on sentence. I ave a couple table top trees and a grape vine or wicker tree with lights. Somewhere we also have a ceramic tree that was my MIL's. I should try to find that. Any way I fully support your scaled back decorations.

  15. That little ceramic tree seems perfect. Now I need to find one at the thrift store, LOL!! We still put up a tree, although an artificial one. A few years back, we donated our huge 7-foot prelit one to the rescue mission and bought a smaller one, but it is still floor size. I'm just not ready to give that up yet. I still love the lights, and the gifts under it.

  16. My mom used to have one of those trees and it went on the dining room table every year. Now I'm wondering what happened to it! I have just been putting up a small feather tree the last few years. I love a big beautiful overly decorated tree, but then someone (me) would have to put it all away. No thanks!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
