Thursday, May 30, 2019

Another Year Older....

...and got to celebrate it a little early when our two favorite little guys visited!
That is our little guy's "CHEESE" smile and big brother's "Smile nice for the camera" grin" as I begged him to "Just do one nice smile for Meme bud." LOL!! I  really didn't want one of his "funny" faces he humorously enjoys flashing in practically every picture taken lately!  Hard to believe he starts kinder in the Fall! Anyhooo.....Celebrating 54 couldn't get any better than this! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Getting It Done!

I wasn't sure I'd really be able to get my studio from THIS to this:

But BAM! I did!!! And now.....eighty percent of it is in storage: 

With the only thing left standing being my long-arm:
The downsizing process continues to be rejuvenating for me in spirit.
So for any of you thinking about it tackling it's been refreshing and rejuvenating. 
It's taken me eight months to get to where I am now and I'm loving the simplicity of having less.
As for the ol' blog here....I'm playing with the idea of an entirely new blog once we've sold our current home and moved into our much smaller home. Some of you have also asked about an eye-spy swap this summer. I haven't decided yet...but will soon! (Tomorrow is the last day of time will slow down a little bit.) ANDDDD our Annual Piggy Bank Challenge will be on July 6th. So those of you involved in that, mark your calendar! Thinking of all of you and sending smiles your way.
Val's Quilting Studio

Sunday, May 5, 2019

A Productive Mess?

Hello! Hello!! Downsizing has consumed most of my free time over the past six months. 
After yard sales, trips to make donations, craigslist sales and passing things on to our daughter, most the rooms in our home are now empty and the house literally echos. LOL!

 All's I have left  to pack is the sewing studio...and right now it's a mess!
A productive I'm literally going through everything. Craft supplies I haven't used in years went in the yard sale. Fabric I don't like anymore, gone.
And it really is hard to sew when when my sewing area looks like this:

The long-arm looks like this:

And boxes fill most the floor space.
At times, the process of downsizing my sewing studio has felt overwhelming. Sometimes, even emotional when past memories surface. And sometimes I have found myself indecisive. But in the end, it's turning into a cleansing process that finds me actually looking forward to having a smaller space.
 Less is starting to feel good....does that make sense?
I've kept out my wool creative stitching and hope to get two donations quilts finished and three of my own quilt tops turned into a quilt before we sell our house and I temporarily pack up my long-arm. 

My new space will be a simple 10'x11' room:
 I'm already daydreaming of how I'll decorate and set up my new space.
And in the future, I can always decrease the length of the poles on my long-arm and set it up.
But for now, I like the simplicity. I'm actually enjoying the process....
and hey, I'll have plenty of quilts set aside to bind as I do love binding!
Thanks to those of you who have emailed me to touch base and to let me know my blog has been missed. That seriously, is just the nicest compliment. Thank you!!