Sunday, May 5, 2019

A Productive Mess?

Hello! Hello!! Downsizing has consumed most of my free time over the past six months. 
After yard sales, trips to make donations, craigslist sales and passing things on to our daughter, most the rooms in our home are now empty and the house literally echos. LOL!

 All's I have left  to pack is the sewing studio...and right now it's a mess!
A productive I'm literally going through everything. Craft supplies I haven't used in years went in the yard sale. Fabric I don't like anymore, gone.
And it really is hard to sew when when my sewing area looks like this:

The long-arm looks like this:

And boxes fill most the floor space.
At times, the process of downsizing my sewing studio has felt overwhelming. Sometimes, even emotional when past memories surface. And sometimes I have found myself indecisive. But in the end, it's turning into a cleansing process that finds me actually looking forward to having a smaller space.
 Less is starting to feel good....does that make sense?
I've kept out my wool creative stitching and hope to get two donations quilts finished and three of my own quilt tops turned into a quilt before we sell our house and I temporarily pack up my long-arm. 

My new space will be a simple 10'x11' room:
 I'm already daydreaming of how I'll decorate and set up my new space.
And in the future, I can always decrease the length of the poles on my long-arm and set it up.
But for now, I like the simplicity. I'm actually enjoying the process....
and hey, I'll have plenty of quilts set aside to bind as I do love binding!
Thanks to those of you who have emailed me to touch base and to let me know my blog has been missed. That seriously, is just the nicest compliment. Thank you!!


  1. Val--I've missed you! I can't imagine how much work that has been. Wow! Your new room will be my size and I am plotting for my daughter's much bigger room when she finishes college next year. Will your longarm even fit in it? Keep us posted and keep up the good work!

  2. I've missed reading your blog. I take it your moving. As I was working on an I spy quilt last month I kept wondering if you were planning a swap this year.

  3. You still have a lot of packing there in your sewing room. I still have all my rubber stamping stuff packed from the move from CA to WA - now here in WI I didn't unpack because there isn't room for it out of the boxes. Now we are thinking about another move! Can't seem to settle down. Hope you have better luck.
    Miss your blogs!

  4. So glad to see what you're up to. I don't recall your moving plans, but hope all is going well!

  5. we are moving too-I am having a very difficult time downsizing-especially my vintage trunks and craft room that is packed full to the brim-I have eliminated some things but in the end I just cant even though I am going to a smaller room too-so I commend you that you are doing well with the downsizing. hugs
    I did sell my large 45' weaving loom, and we will be selling the vintage leather singer sewing machine-although I am keeping most of my leather-and the huge trunk for it all lol I know I am just bad at this-and I am really not ready yet to get rid of my craft things.-sigh I did downsize allot of vintage kitchen items, my Mom's 16 piece fine china-just no room for that-I am trying haha

  6. You've accomplished so much!!! The thought of downsizing absolutely terrifies me! I have so much stuff i still want to use and make that i cant even think about it. Im sure a day will come when i must, but for now i live vicariously through you. Looking forward to seeing your new space.

  7. So that's where you have been, lost in the activity of downsizing. Wow, you have achieved so much. How exciting for you to declutter and gift the stuff you don't want to others. How exciting to dream of you next little home and how you will decorate. So happy to visit you, today, lovely Val.

  8. You have done really well in your downsizing. You will find that working in a smaller area does make you more productive.

  9. Oh, I'm so happy to hear from you! And to know that the downsizing is going so well. Yes, lots of feelings to feel and memories to revisit while sorting through the "stuff"! I can tell you how wonderful and freeing it is to have ONLY the very best, most favorite things with you moving forward. No regrets!! Keep us posted as your new, more compact life takes shape :)

  10. I was just thinking of you last week and wondering how the move was shaping up. My husband would have a lot more trouble downsizing than I would. Hope we will get to hear more from you soon, Good luck as the plans go forward.

  11. I can't even imagine that task, but I am sure it is a great feeling to know everything that you have and where it is.

  12. You are entitle to a break and time out. We will be watching on to see where you end up.

  13. That's what I always love about moving house, it really makes you purge unwanted or unneeded items and you feel refreshed and cleansed! It's so great to see an update from you 😘

  14. Moving is both fun and exhausting at the same time, lightening up and letting go can be a good thing. It seems like the move is progressing well, I hope it is all done soon and you can get back to sewing for the summer. Give Jackson an ear rub for me!!

  15. It is a lot of work isn't it!!! I did it two years ago, although still have a piece to do when we downsize an apartment in Massachusetts that we retained. I am getting more and more ruthless about fabric and projects and have gotten through many UFOs. Soon it will only be current projects...I think that is good. It was hard and emotional for me, too, but I am finding it easier and easier to get rid of that which I don't really want any longer or use it up - not save that fabric forever!! there is always more. Good luck as you continue on this journey. There is light and space at the end...

  16. I got a Statler retrofit for my longarm and had to clean out everything stored beneath it. I actually love the look of the room without all that 'clutter'. Now I need to figure out what to do with the excess. You've been very busy, and I'm sure you'll enjoy your new room with a view!

  17. I completely understand. For so long, we have been going through the philosophy that more is more, and my sewing space is crowded too. I am trying to reduce my supplies and organizing them so they are easier to find and use. It is a long process for me, because indecision and other distractions keep me from getting to it, but I did this in other areas of the house, and it does feel freeing to have fewer things. Less to clean, less to burden my mind about having to do later.

  18. Look at you go! So much work, I am sure. I hope your house sells quickly. I think moving is such an adventure. I love to purge and get rid of stuff that hasn't been used in a long while. It feels good to cut back. When do you hope to move? Are you moving close to your current place?

  19. Thanks for the update and good luck with the down sizing. Just wondering - are you planning to host another I-Spy swap this summer?

  20. Wow, you've been busy! Makes me tired just thinking about packing up all my sewing and craft supplies. Cleaning out now will make your new space feel so fresh! Best of luck with the rest of it. I also love binding--one of my favorite steps!

  21. What a big job! I can only imagine how good it will feel to finally be back in a fully functioning quilt room. Lovely to be able to start fresh after all the sorting and eliminating too!:)

  22. Wow, you have been busy! It has to feel good to be close to the end of the downsizing project. With school just about out, hopefully you'll have more time and can get back to stitching soon.

  23. So that's what you've been up to--I had no idea! We have talked about downsizing, but it all seems so overwhelming. I can't wait to see how you set up your new place!

  24. I need to do some down sizing and it feels good when you say how freeing it is. I need to lighten my load anyway I can . . . I've just collected too many things.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
