Thursday, January 2, 2020

#1 of 20 in 2020: An Exquisite Back-County Gig!

Happy New Year!
Our New Year found me already checking item number one off my 20 in 2020 list:
An Exquisite Back-Country Gig!
Hubby and I packed our Winter gear and headed to the mountains.
We stayed in a cozy AIR B&B next to the Payette River:

We went for Winter walks during the day and enjoyed brunch at a cozy restaurant.
Once evening came, we strapped on our snow shoes and began a mile and half hike along a Tiki torch lite path to a Yurt in the mountains of Jug Mountain Ranch, McCall. I can't even explain how refreshing this was. The snow was soft and fluffy and continued to fall in big flakes the entire night.

We enjoyed an evening of meeting new friends....
 ...over a festive, candle lit, six course meal of the most delicious food.
 Our party hats were so fun and though a challenge to actually keep balanced upon our heads, 
we had many laughs as we tried! We were all quite a site as we snow-shoed out at 12:30am.

The New Year, like many of you I'm sure, always finds us reflective and filled with  curiosity about what the New Year has in it is always full of surprises isn't it! I know for us, we'll continue to be intentional about celebrating our relationship and this wonderful life we have together. 
How about you? What is something you are planning to intentionally celebrate in 2020?
With SMILES! Val
Bitmoji Image


  1. It looks fabulous. The quiet of the snow is perfect! Can hardly wait to see your next adventure.

  2. Oh, wow! Such a beautiful setting to bring in the new year. Happy 2020!

  3. Golly. We were in bed by 10:30. The cows always have to be fed and milked no matter what day it is. Looks like you guys had an amazing time!

  4. Sooo fun for you both-that's awesome we don't do much celebrating any more except at home but I will be celebrating my husband's continued better health

  5. Those headdresses!! I'm laughing with delight! This sounds like a super cool event, although I don't think I could snowshoe that far. I'm too clumsy. I guess the big thing I'm hoping to happen that is worth celebrating would take place in early November when election results roll in :)

  6. Happy New Year!
    I'm so enjoying your posts - great to have you back!

  7. What a wonderful experience. I've always wanted to snowshoe. I think the smaller, newer style would suit me much better than the older wooden paddle style. I love being outside when the snow is around and there is moonlight. The muffling of extraneous noise is beautiful.

  8. Oh my, what a fabulous time! Looks like you managed to stay warm. Fun hats!!

  9. Love the hats! What a fun adventure to ring in the new year.

  10. Oh it looks like a fabulous time. I love your term intentionally celebrating your relationship. Too often we fall into a rut and take relationships for granted. Happy 2020!

  11. Wow does that look amazing! Snowshoeing by flame to a yurt for New Years Eve dinner??!! What a perfect way to start the new year!!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
