Saturday, February 1, 2014

Feb. RSC: Pinks Chosen

Happy Scrappy Saturday everyone!!

I  gathered my pinks last night and found some fun stuff to play with this month! Sooo glad there's a range of polka dots and can't wait to use that Summersville Spring print.
(PS: Click HERE for my Grow Your Blog Give-Away)

My ribbon drawer is also full with a great variety to play with!

I plan to continue to play and seek inspiration from these ladies below as I continue to make wonky houses and people.  I'm already imagining a wonky girl made from that Summerville print with layers of ruffles!
 Click Rainbow Scrap Challenge to see what everyone else is planning this month.
Thanks for the challenge Angela.
I'm having fun!
With smiles,


  1. Thanks for posting this or I would have completely forgotten to check what color was next. I'm new to the RSC but excited to get in the swing of things, don't have many pink scraps tho.

  2. Lovely scrummy fabric and ribbon!. I've enjoyed looking through your blog posts

  3. Beautiful fabrics; you're sure to make something stunning out of them. Ruffles? does that mean you're going 3D?

  4. Looks like you are going to have lots of fun with pink this month. Can't wait to see what comes out of your sewing room

  5. Oh you have some great pinks!! Looking forward to seeing what they become.

  6. What great pink fabrics! So happy. Polka dots can't help but make you smile.

  7. I'm loving those pinks. Should make for some spectacular blocks.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
