Monday, February 10, 2014

I'm A Farmer's Wife Dropout!

Yep! But, I did :
Out of the 111 blocks inspired by letters from 1920's farm wives, I completed: 
32 blocks and 18 more with great imperfections, which I chopped in half  to create this: 
Made in 2011              Finished Size: 32: x 40:
If you are laughing in understanding, thank you!  I still  laugh in reflection of my Farmer's Wife "experience" as I refer to it. I didn't know better at the time. I was  a newbie and a fun group of women were gathering every Wednesday night a few years ago for a Farmer's Wife class. I was thrilled at the opportunity to cut into my ever growing collection of 30's fabric. "I'll do it!", I found myself saying.

Well, as the class progressed, I soon found myself  exclaiming: "Are you kidding me!" as I learned I was suppose to cut 36 little itty bitty triangles and sew them into a 5 1/2" block.  Need less to say, as the weeks progressed, I soon found myself  just plain ol' skipping the blocks with there "million little triangles" and before long, I was bringing cupcakes to class instead of my sewing machine, sitting around visiting with friends as I worked on my Hexagons!! LOL!! 

Not wanting to be wasteful combined with a strong desire to just "wrap this one up", I sat myself down and began sewing together what I had.  No sashing. No planning. I was pleasantly surprised at what evolved. I think it ending up making an adorable baby quilt! And truth be told, I did enjoy reading all the excerpts from the wives letters.  That has to count for something doesn't it!? LOL!!

I truly admire the precision of all you Farmer's Wife sewers. And well, the next time a project doesn't come out quite the way you intended, instead of letting it go the way of becoming an "UFO" : "make lemonade" might be surprised too.

With "lemon" smiles,

Also this is the last week to enter my:  Grow Your BLog Giveway! 
(PS: Check out my Linky Party Page above to see parties I join.)

Also....check out this online Farmer's Wife Class/Quilt Along  at Laugh Yourself Into Stitches if you have the book and have always wanted to make this quilt. 


  1. I'm glad you managed to put the blocks to good use. It's turned out well. It's a warning to me not to start a FW quilt; I'm sure all those little pieces would drive me nuts!

  2. I LOVE this!!! What a great idea! I admire that you even attempted it, I wouldn't touch that with a 20 foot pole!! LOL I think your quilt is adorable and would definitely make a great baby quilt! Wonderful finish - I don't see it as dropping out, I see it as your modern day take on the design ;)

    1. I never thought of it that way. But am learning I like a more modern take on quilting.

  3. What you made of it looks great... I am afraid I would be the gal bringing the food for fellowship... I am a non-sewer..period.. Again, I admire anyone who can create anything from tiny little pieces of cloth.. and to think you have to cut all those tiny pieces of clothe and sew them back togeter.. God bless all you quilters out there.. Just lovely work.. Blessings!

  4. Quilt looks great as it is. Sometimes you just have to admit defeat and say it's not the time or quilt for you xxx

    1. I'm definitively finding my style and interests. (And this is not it...LOL!!) Well...the thirties I do love!!!

  5. I would NEVER laugh at such a valiant effort. This is one project I knew from the start I could not attempt even though I've been quilting for years, I do not have the patience for this one.

  6. Laughing WITH you...I think it turned out as a pretty great baby quilt, and I think truth be told, most people go to classes for just the camaraderie anyway! Great job - it didn't need those 36 triangles!

  7. I remember reading a about that book with blocks-I am with you-I am not good at all with small pieces. My mom always amazed me as she was really into 1 inch blocks-not me-and I am not good at accurately cutting out all those pieces either-just does not work for me-it kept me from trying our much quiltmaking-til I went bigger-lol good for you though getting a finished quilt from it

  8. Oh my gosh, I am SO with you on this! I was doing the barristers blocks a few years ago and it got boring and frustrating trying to deal with all those little pieces! The doll quilt is darling!!

  9. No quilt is a failure. What you should say is, "I did 31 blocks and made this adorable FW Quilt!" I really like it!
    I will say I cut out about 50 civil war blocks and never finished. Not my kind of colors, so I do understand.

  10. Good for you to get a quilt finished! I started the book and made about three blocks, so you did a lot better than I did! You have a wonderful quilt here!

    1. If it weren't for the class of friends I probably would have ever sewn a block together!! LOL!!

  11. Great lemonade!!!!!! I plan on doing some of the farmers wife blocks once I finish my Tulsa Pink City Sampler because I love samplers, but may make the blocks bigger or just stick to the easier blocks lol

    1. i never thought to enlarge them...but what a great idea as I love some of the block patterns and esp. the stories that go with them.

  12. I think this is awesome. Your lemonade is super cute. I have the book, but have no desire to make all the blocks. I will probably enlarge them too. I know my limitations. ;)

  13. Love your sweet (and sour) approach to this! The result is quite "tasty "!

  14. Mmmm... Cupcakes! I think it is great that you made such sweet lemonade with your finished blocks. Love the on point layout! Your positive attitude when talking of the entire experience make me admire you even more!

  15. IN a MILLION Years I couldn't make 5 inch blocks out of itty bitty triangles !! :)

  16. Terrific "lemonade" -- good for you! I, too, burned out on those little blocks though sooner than you -- did you know it takes just as long to make a 5" block as it does a 12" block? Bring on the big ones!

  17. Good for you! I wouldn't be into making all those blocks with tiny pieces either!

  18. It's adorable--and even better--it's DONE!!

  19. I've got that is a great look book.. in other words you've done way more than me ( that being a total of zero) and your quilt looks lovely, very sweet, somebody will be very privileged to receive it.

  20. I love it - both the quilt and the story behind it! Way to find a way to get those nagging blocks made into a beautiful quilt.

  21. While I love to admire ambitious quilts they are are not on my Make Someday List! Good for you to finish these up... Sweet lemonade.

  22. isn't that amazing, you got tired of a project, just sewed them up with abandon and lookie what you made. It all came together probably more interesting than it would have been with sashing and time and all the blocks etc. Very interesting. I'm wondering about my orphan blocks now. Shall I just sew them together? The problem with that is different style fabrics. Yours are unified with 30's style fabrics. Ah well, I likes it! It would be a lucky baby...
    LeeAnna Paylor

  23. I like your smaller quilt. There is no way I would have ever started on that one myself. Way too many tiny pieces and I'd never have that kind of time.

  24. Very cute and great job on finishing even it is different than you planned. I love the idea of one of those quilts, but I'm like you, way too many little pieces for me. :)

  25. Love your enthusiasm! and i love anything lemony!!

  26. I totally get it, as I made all 111 blocks. The top is completed and I just need to finish the back and ship it off. The letters were very interesting, for sure. I laughed when you said you just started bringing cupcakes. But good for you for finishing your little quilt.

  27. You finished it up and made the best of what you had which is REALLY quite a lovely quilt! I adore 30s repros so this is a winner,winner for me too lol!!!

    BTW, cupcakes are a great substitute!

  28. What a beautiful quilt and at least you made something with the blocks you completed!

  29. I hear you on those itty bitty triangles! Not for me either. :) Love your lemonade though -- it sure is sweet!

  30. What a cute little quilt. A good save. I like how you think. You go girl!

  31. way to make it work, Val! I'm with you- I sew for fun, and all of those itty bitty pieces would NOT be fun for me. I don't think I've ever made a quilt with blocks smaller than 8 inches (and those didn't have triangles). I love how it turned out. It is so bright and colorful, and will be loved as a baby quilt!

    Thank you so much for sharing this at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  32. Even though you are a drop-out (which this totally made me laugh) your quilt turned out so great! I love the half blocks on the edges! I would also be the one bringing cupcakes to class--because seriously these blocks look very time-consuming! :) Thank you for sharing your lovely quilt with us!

    Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
    Fabric Frenzy Friday

    Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
    Fabric Frenzy Friday


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
